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You jerked as the front door slammed open, the basketball team flooding in, dressed up in suits.

"Where the hell were you?"

Jason glared at you, wiping his face, "Chrissy's funeral." Your heart clenched as you stood up.

"Chrissy's... you left me here!" You screamed. "You bitch!" You charged him, getting tackled by another member. You struggled against the larger man, tears streaming down your face. You'd missed her funeral. Your best friend's funeral. Because of them.

They pushed you back onto the couch, surrounding a table. Pushing yourself up, you eavesdropped, hoping to get any idea of how much they knew. Maybe if you escaped, you could warn everyone ahead of time.

"Only reason he would lead us to a dead end," Ok they were talking about Lucas. So he definitely made it away. You relaxed just a little. "The Hellfire Club. They're hiding Eddie."

"Maybe we should bring this to the cops?" Patrick interrupted. Yeah good idea after you fucking kidnapped someone.

"The cops who think Chrissy's a drug dealer? Who are letting this... this psycho go around killing people?"

"I'm just saying, what if this cult is doing shit to us?" You stared at Patrick, wrinkling your brows. Why would he say something like that?

"Doing what?"

"They already know we're after them. What if they cursed us or some shit?" Your eyes widened, putting the pieces together. Was he seeing what Chrissy saw? Was he next?

"Patrick thinks he's cursed," Two men laughed, making them all chortle.

"Hey!" Jason shouted. "None of this is funny. Look, I don't believe in that supernatural crap, all right? But this cult is dangerous. We have to be smart about this." You shook your head and laughed, standing up. You didn't know why you always laughed; some nervous response or some bullshit like that

"Freak, you keep laughing and I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what, Jason," You sneered. "You've already kidnapped me, and busted my face, what next, you gonna kill me? Yeah add that onto your list of charges. You just don't fucking get it, that you're the monsters here! Eddie didn't do shit to Chrissy! And she was there to buy drugs!"

"Stop talking!" He shouted, looking like he might lunge before a couple of the guys held him back. You stumbled away, barely keeping yourself on your feet.

Patrick patted the man's chest, "We have to be smart about this, remember? She's just trying to distract you." The blonde huffed, and puffed, and glared you down before nodding and facing the group again.

"I made a list. Everywhere these freaks have been seen. We divide and conquer. Check em out one by one. Smoke 'em out."

"We should add Reefer Rick's house to this," Your heart stopped and your blood ran cold, shaking your head subtly.


"Reefer Rick. He's Eddie's supplier, he's supposed to be in prison but someone spotted him back in his house," Dammit Eddie! You clenched your jaw to keep it from quivering, trying to find any way out of the damn house. "Now my parents are freaking out and shit. It's probably nothing."

"No, that's good, that's good. No stones unturned," Jason grinned, writing it down on his list. He turned back to you and you gulped, trying to back away more.

"You, and you, with me," He pointed to Patrick, and some other guy." And you," He faced you again. "You're coming with us. You're gonna help us weed that freak out."

The Freaks-Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now