Getting out of Hell

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"Dustin, hello! Can you hear me! Dustin!" Steve shouted, the others racing downstairs to see what was going on. Looking between each other, they stared at Steve anxiously.

"Maybe he really does have rabies?"

"He's here, Henderson," Steve breathed, grinning. "That little shit, he's here. In the walls or something-"

"Yeah, that was definitely his voice," You added, boosting yourself up and limping over to Steve. "All echoey and weird, but Henderson definitely."

Staying still and silent, everyone listened in, Dustin's voice filling the room once again.

"Holy shit," You laughed, Munson helping you stand.

"It's just like the Christmas lights," Nancy mumbled. Everyone but Steve looked at her confused. "Will Byers, when he was stuck in the upside down, he used Christmas lights to communicate."

"Well what if we tried that?" You suggested. "Do you think we can?"

"Only one way to find out," Wheeler reasoned, walking over to a light in the room. Steve stood beside her, the two reaching up towards the light. Like magic, it started to glow brighter, the ambience covering the room.

"Holy shit," You murmured, walking over and reaching your hand up with everyone else.

"It...tickles," Harrington spoke.

"It kinda feels good," Robin agreed. She was right, it made the tips of your fingers feel like static, but warm all at the same time.

"Does anyone know Morse?" Everyone shook their heads before Eddie paused, crossing his arms.

"Does SOS count?"

"Hell yeah it does," You laughed raspily. "Let's just hope Henderson knows it."

"Oh trust me," Steve chuckled, taking responsibility for your vertical positioning so Eddie could focus. "He knows it." Sitting you back on the couch, Steve took some medical wrapping from Robin, telling you to take off your shoe.

Reluctantly, you untied the laces and groaned, managing to pull the shoe off your swollen ankle. Panting you looked down at the discolored skin, worrying maybe you were wrong about it being sprained. Though, you supposed it'd be worse. Robin gave you her hand to squeeze as Harrington started to wrap it up. One especially tight loop sent a searing sting straight up your leg, gritting a sob through your teeth.

Taking deep breaths you leaned back on the couch, "Fuck that hurts."

"Yeah, so does your grip," Robin winced. "Herculean, truly."

Laughing, you quickly let go, apologizing. Tying it off, Steve carefully put your shoe back on, not bothering to tie it. Not that you minded, the shoe being on added enough pressure as it was.

"I have an idea," Nancy breathed. "A way to communicate. This toy that I gave to Holly." Everyone looked at you, clearly distressed about your walking ability.

"Go, I'll be fine right here," You assured, shooing them off. Nancy nodded and led everyone upstairs. Well, everyone but Munson.

"You should go with them," You pouted as he sat down next to you. "You're like the decrypt key when it comes to communicating with Dustin."

Chuckling, he shrugged, "I have a feeling Steve's got them covered. Plus, I really don't wanna leave you alone in this creepy ass tendril-ee living room." Giggling you rubbed his palm, laying your head down on his shoulder.

"So," You began, messing with his rings. "I figure if I'm gonna play, uh, Baby, we're gonna have to go on a date."

Amused, he laughed in his throat, "Oh really?"

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