Vecna's Family

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Everyone ran to Eddie's bedroom, rummaging through the available music. Eddie instantly searched through his Kiss cassettes, muttering curse words under his breath. He had to save you, he had to; he didn't get to tell you yet. How much he adored you, how much he loved your smile, how much he loved you.

You didn't know where you were, but you knew you had to get out, "Nancy, c'mon, ladder." Limping over, you looked back at her, watching as she circled around. "Nancy!" Blood started to pour from the sides of the pools, making you stumble and grip the handles for support. "Nancy!"

Tear swelled in her eyes and you grabbed her shoulders, quickly pulling her along the ladder. Snapping out of her stupor, she rapidly climbed the ladder, you following in a close pursuit.

"Why run from me, y/n?" That same creepy ass echoey voice rang in your head and you groaned in frustration. "Why do you keep running from me?" Ignoring him, you pulled yourself over the pools edge, Nancy helping you to your feet. Running together, you found yourself outside, in the driveway of a lavish house.

"What the fuck?" You breathed, looking around. You knew this house. You'd seen it before, you'd seen that door before.

"This is the house. Viktor Creel, this is his house," Nancy breathed, holding your arm. Viktor? Where had you heard that name?

"Whatever you guys are doing up there, hurry up!" Steve screamed from the Upside down, Erica, who had been checking on you, ran to the others.

"Hurry up guys!"

"Yeah no shit!" Shouted Dustin, searching through a bin.

"We cant find anything!"

"Seriously, what is all this shit!" Robin yelled.

"What are you guys even looking for??" Eddie shouted, tossing his basket down, unable to find the right cassette.

"Madonna, Bowie, Beatles, Music! We need music!"

Eddie snatched up the cassette, "This! Is! Music!" Panting he threw another basket to Robin, running back out with Erica. Kneeling down beside you, he rubbed your cheeks anxiously. "Keep hanging on sweetheart, just a little longer I'll find it I promise!"

Whipping your head around, you swore you heard a voice, gripping Nancy's wrist as she led you through another doorway, out into a hall of whatever psychiatric ward you were in. Apparently Vecna wanted you for a show and tell, sharing with you his story. How he'd been the one to murder his family. Why he'd done it, how he'd done it. And all the while, all could think was: Where did you know Viktor?

Sprinting besides Nancy, you came up to a boarded up door, exit sign illuminating above you. Ripping at the boards, you cried out at the pulling feeling on the bite on your arm.

"C'mon, we can do this!" Wheeler encouraged, grunting and pulling on the board. With a little more force, you both managed to rip off the wood, working on the next one.

"Nancy...y/n," Stopping in your tracks, you hesitantly turned around, backing up against the door. "What are you doing? It's not time for you to leave yet."

"Oh my God, what the fuck, what the fuck is that!" You hyperventilated, turning back around and desperately ripping at the board.

"Vecna! That's Vecna!"

"Shit! Fuck he's creepier than his voice!" You laughed hoarsely, tearing off another board.

"Now you've seen where I've been," Ignoring him, you continued to tear away the boards, working together to get out of there. "Let me show you where you've been. And where I am going." Confused, but more terrified than anything, you and Wheeler broke through the doors. Pushing through, you merely ended up in another room, looking at each other.

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