Hawkins Upside Down Gang

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"Steve!" You screamed, leaning over the boat. You almost fell in, if Eddie hadn't pulled you away. Nancy stood up, taking off her jacket.

"You guys stay here. I'm going in after him!" She demanded, stepping back before jumping and diving in. The shock waves rocked the boat and you tried to see into the water to understand what at all was going on.

You saw Robin sitting on the edge, about to jump back.

"Wait, she said to stay!" You croaked out, crouching beside her.

"And?" She grinned, looking back at the water.

"But you said she was in charge!" Eddie rasped, panting from nerves.

"Are you kidding?" She laughed in her throat. "I made that shit up." Plugging her nose, she fell back, rocking the boat once more.

Staring into the water, you stood up, "I'm going in."

"What? No!" Grasping your hand, you turned to see Eddie, doe eyes desperately pleading with you. "Please, please, don't." His voice sounded panicked, and you almost didn't have the heart.

You let out a short laugh, squeezing his hand, "Shouldn't have taught me to swim, Munson." Kissing his cheek you turned and dove in, the cold water rushing over every part of your body. Opening your eyes stung, but it made navigating so much easier as a bright red blob invaded your sight. You were slow, but kept on towards the gate, gasping for air once you popped up on the other side.

Your eyes widened at your surroundings, pulling yourself up into this nightmare of a world. Coughing, you looked around, tendrils covering the ground like...nerve endings? Dark storm clouds covered the sky like a heavy blanket. That feeling on your chest was heavier than ever. Hearing a shout, your eyes landed on Robin and Nancy running to help Steve. Steve! Looking around, you grabbed a broken piece of wood off the ground and sprinted to help your friend.

The closer you got, the more you realized he was literally being eaten alive by...bats? Nancy swatted away one on his torso, Robin working on the other one. You yelled and stabbed the one choking him, the tail easing up as Steve let out a gasp, breathing heavily. Snatching the broken piece of wood out, you felt something around your neck and let out a choked plea, being dragged back. You dropped the piece of wood, clawing at the thing on your throat.

"Y/n!" Robin shouted, trying to swat away another bat. On your tiptoes, you felt tears well in your eyes. An oar came swinging, knocking the bat off you, and simultaneously slamming it into the ground, bursting it into pieces. Falling to your knees you wheezed, grabbing your throat.

"Y/n!" Munson crouched down beside you, dropping the oar and holding your face. Grabbing his hands you took deep breaths, smiling appreciatively. Sighing in relief he hugged you tightly to his chest, Steve behind you smashing a bat into the ground. Helping you to your feet, Eddie held your waist.

"Steve," You rasped, looking at his torso, concerned. You winced, holding your neck. Nancy checked on Steve as Robin and Eddie checked on you.

Robin carefully rolled the turtleneck, cringing back, "Yeah that's, that's gonna be a hell of a bruise."

"I'm fine," You croaked out, shuffling over to Steve. "How are you holding up?"

He chuckled hoarsely, "I'll live. How's your neck?"

"About as good as yours," The two of you laughed. In the distance, bats screeched, a protective arm wrapping around your shoulder.

"They're coming to protect the gate," Nancy reasoned.

"The woods, come on."

"Oh great, more running," Robin groaned, following closely behind Nancy. Eddie took your hand, making sure you were still behind him every now and then. You squeezed his hand assuredly, neck throbbing in pain. You could only imagine the pain Steve was in. Processing this new world whilst running was nearly impossible. You just focused on taking one step after another, and the current grip in which Eddie was holding your hand, to keep you grounded.

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