Boat House

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You were still processing everything when the car stopped moving, practically jumping out. Where the fuck were you?

"Eddie, what is this place?" You questioned as he got out of the van. You put your jacket on, the night cold making your skin have goosebumps. Rubbing your arms, you looked up at Munson.

"Reefer Rick, you know him?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"Well, he's sort of a friend of mine, and he's sort of in jail, so, perfect place to hide out!" He clapped, running to the front door and rummaging through the potted plants. Standing behind him, you kept a lookout. Cursing under his breath, Eddie laughed victoriously and whipped out a set of keys.

"Oh thank God," You sighed.

"C'mon, follow me," He grunted getting up, leading you over to a separate building on the property. It looked like a boat house to you, and peering into the window you could see a shabby old boat of some sort. Definitely not the most comfortable place to spend the night, but anywhere was better than...there.

Munson managed to find the right key and opened it up, getting blasted with a cold lake breeze. Shivering, you buttoned up your jacket, stepping in after Eddie. Though he seemed pretty out together, you could see it gnawing at him. The weight of what just happened. Keeping up appearances, only because you were there. Then again, you guessed you were doing the same thing.

"Obviously, not ideal, but nobody will come up here. It's the safest place," The taller man assured. You weren't really listening. You were cold. You were tired. Fuck, you couldn't get the picture of Chrissy out of your head.

"Yeah," You nodded your head, sniffling softly. You couldn't cry now, not in front of him. God how embarrassing would that be. You bit back your tears and faced him. You scrunched your shoulders back from his expression. "What?"

Reluctantly, he reached out and pulled you into a hug. At first, you were a little surprised, still having your arms crossed. You hadn't expected his hug to feel so..nice. Being engulfed in everything Eddie Munson. He was warm, and you could still faintly smell his cologne. You bit your lip harshly in a desperate attempt to keep from crying.

Feeling his hand run through your hair broke you, quietly sobbing into his shirt as you gripped his vest. Maybe this was for the best. He would be the only person to understand the pain. Maybe not fully, after all, Chrissy was your best friend. Hiding your face in his shirt, you felt yourself crumble into his embrace, gasping for air as you let it all out. Pulling you closer, Eddie held the back of your head, resting his chin tenderly on your shoulder.

Eventually, you felt like you couldn't cry anymore and pulled yourself away, sniffling. A gentle hand wiped the rest of the tears, dragging your head to look up at him. Despite having been the one crying, he looked the most upset. Again, keeping up appearances; he hadn't cried, but you could tell he was close to by the way his eyes shimmered. Grief painted his eyes in flurries and you instinctively raised a hand to hold his cheek. The cold made your fingers tremble ever so slightly, but he didn't seem to mind.

"I, uh, know this probably doesn't do shit, but I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm.. I'm not sure how well you and Chrissy knew each other, but you seemed close," He murmured, barely above a whisper. Your lips twitched into a smile or, as much of a smile as you could muster.

"Yeah.. yeah we are," You paused for a moment, taking a shuddering breath. "Were. I'm sorry you had to see that too. If you were anything like me, you were scared shitless."

He chuckled in his throat, leaning into your hand, "Yeah, maybe just a little."

"Do you think .. Do you think whatever happened to her, will happen to us?" You tried not to think about it, but it was a nagging thought in the pit of your mind.

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