the lodger

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"i can tell from your sofa

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"i can tell from your sofa."

"my sofa?" craig said.

"you're starting to look like it." the doctor froze immediately as he realized what his words sounded like out loud. he glanced over at craig with a hint of horror on his face.

craig continued with the conversation as if the doctor had said nothing.

he let out an internal breath of relief.

in his head, he only had one thought.

the doctor couldn't bring himself to stop thinking about the one person who would've scolded him and let him know how he was wrong for being so rude.

'am i being rude again?'

'a bit.' she told him gently. she always tried to
make sure that he wasn't offended by her telling him he was rude.

but she could never offend him. every time she corrected his behavior or told him he was being rude, his hearts simply swelled at how much she cared for him.

it made him so happy.

she never had any qualms about telling him, albeit politely, and without her, he didn't know.

on his own, he didn't know if he was kind and polite or rude and nasty.

without rose, he didn't know a lot of things.

but he did know that he'd never stop loving and missing her.
"me with a key." craig chuckled lightly at the smirk on the doctors face.

the doctor tried his hardest to make it believable.

but the sadness crept slowly into his eyes and smile. the sadness that ran deep, the one he still couldn't bring himself to let go of.

because although, for him, hundreds of years have passed, it sometimes felt like mere moments.

mere moments since he got himself and rose stuck on a planet orbiting a black hole with no tardis.

"you'd have to get a mortgage."  roses singsong voice taunted him.

"no." his eyes flashed with fear.

"oh yes."

"i'm dying thats it. i'm dying, it is all over." he'd never even considered settling down before.

"what about me? i'd have to get one too! i don't know, it could be the same one," she froze, realizing what she said, "we could both, i dunno share. or not. whatever."

the doctor never let on how wonderful that truly sounded.

he had never even considered settling down before that moment with rose. but with her, it wouldn't be so bad.

even the domestic side of things didn't seem so bad with rose.

and now, the thought of those things just brought him pain.

because she was gone, and so was the possibility of a domestic life with her.
the cat has startled him.

usually, cats weren't enough of a reason to scare him. sure, animals certainly weren't his thing but they didn't scare him per say.

not for any reason other than her.

rose. his rose.

because although the doctor had been all over time in space in the couple hundred years that had passed, there were certain things he never really ran into.

cats being one of them.

the first time he saw a cat was in the middle of london while rose, though he didn't know it at the time, hung from a rope in the middle of an air raid.

nothing significant about the cat, but it was a cute cat.

the second time, cassandra had taken over roses body and they had been threatened by cat people in nun costumes.

most of his enjoyment of cats was taken away after that.

the third time was just a chance encounter with a cat in a neighborhood they had visited by chance.

rose had stopped to pet the cat and that was when the doctors distain for cats really set in.

and now, the cat on the stairs made him pause.

because although there was no logical reason too, he still found himself waiting for rose.

the only time he had ever run into cats had been with rose.

and now, he found himself wishing to never see another cat again.

because they just made him think of her. his rose.

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