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chapter 21

    "Huh... that's good." Yu Jingshen's heart finally fell, and he casually collapsed on the sofa and tore off his hat and mask.

    Yu Guang glanced at Jiu Ci who was sitting nicely and felt that he had to take out the aura of the host, and got up and sat up straight, "Cough, that little fan..."

    "I'm not a little fan." Jiu Ci frowned and retorted, this is a must The little brother who signed the photo with her was a little strange.

    "Could it be that you still want me to call you sister-in-law?" Yu Jingshen suddenly raised his voice and shouted, staring at the girl who looked weak but was fierce.

    If he hadn't seen her beat someone with his bare hands yesterday, he would have been deceived by her appearance.

    "For the time being, it should be." Jiu Ci frowned and looked at Yu Jingshen, whose face was changing.

    Sure enough, this little brother has some cakes.

    Jiu Ci glanced at Yu Jingshen's face that was 70% similar to Yu Huaizhi and sighed slightly.

    He seems to be her husband's younger brother. Although she is a little sick, she can't dislike him.

    "Then what's your relationship with my brother?" Yu Jing looked suspiciously at Jiu Ci up and down.

    "Fiancée relationship."

    Well, although it will be terminated, for the time being.

    "Why haven't I heard that my brother has a fiancée, where did you come from?" Yu Jingshen sneered and threatened, "Tell me, are you here to deceive the marriage?"

    A fierce look is going to bite Jiuci to death. looks like.

    Jiu Ci pursed her lips tightly, and the baby's fat cheeks bulged slightly, frowning in displeasure, "My baby, I have a token."

    She took out the dragon pen and showed it to him.

    When Yu Jingchen saw Long Pei's dog's eyes, his eyes were about to pop out.

    He knew from a young age that his brother had a cherished jade pendant. When he was a child, he secretly sneaked out to take a look, although he was found to have been beaten badly.

    But he always remembered the appearance of the jade pendant. It was a phoenix, and it seemed like a natural pairing with the piece in her hand.

    He swallowed in disbelief, looked at Long Pei and then at Jiu Ci who looked like a soft bun, "Are you really my brother's fiancee?"

    "Yes." Jiu Ci nodded.

    The big devil never lies.

    Yu Jingshen slammed his head with a blow, but he still couldn't react.

    When his eyes gathered, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly looked at Jiu Ci, "Why are you here so early?"

    "I live here." Jiu Ci replied casually.

    "You two live together?" Yu Jing and Shen Er foolishly rubbed up instantly, extremely shocked.

    "No, it's a neighbor." Jiu Ci corrected.

    "What's not to live under the same roof?" Yu Jingshen breathed a sigh of immortality, and suddenly felt that he had been hit a bit too much at one time.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now