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Chapter 51 Yu Ye is distressed, his little girl is wronged

    Jiu Ci, who squatted down to dodge the bullet in an emergency, narrowed his eyes and looked sideways with the brick in his hand.

    "Don't move, whoever moves again will kill me." The leader of the kidnapper pointed his gun at Jiu Ci and yelled angrily.

    Jiu Ci's calm eyes suddenly froze, and he slowly raised his hand to touch the top of his head as if in disbelief.

    "Don't move, I told you not to move." The kidnapper's head was emotionally pointing his gun at Jiu Ci, his eyes were scarlet and angry.

    Jiu Ci still reached out and touched the ball on her head as if she hadn't heard it. Recently, her husband seems to like the double ball head very much, so he also helped her to tie the double ball today.


    Jiu Ci felt the scattered balls in her heart and instantly became cold, her black and white eyes were covered with a layer of coldness, and she looked at the culprit with a cold face, and murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

    The tense kidnapper's leader suddenly met those chilling eyes, shook his hand, and fired another shot at Jiu Ci.


    Yu Huaizhi, who was about to arrive at the door, was shocked, his eyes were splitting, and he flashed to the door at a very human-like speed.

    At that moment, the black under the man's eyes filled the air, and the Manzhu Shahua loomed in the corner of his eyes.

    In the house, Jiu Ci teleported to the kidnapper's leader almost the second the bullet was fired, grabbed the pistol and threw it away under his horrified gaze.

    His eyes were gloomy and gloomy to meet his terrified eyes, and a brick slapped him on the head like a deadly demon.

    Bleeding instantly.

    Just when Jiu Ci was about to mend a brick, the door was opened, and a familiar figure who could no longer be familiar appeared and shouted her nickname.

    "Ci Bao." Yu Huaizhi, who had split eyes and scarlet eyes, pushed the door in, fearing that his low voice was trembling.

    The man standing at the top of the world, a man who has always been strategizing and wanton, suddenly appeared in a suit of wind and frost, and there was an inescapable panic on his elegant face.

    Jiu Ci's movements paused, her eyes lit up in a daze, and she mechanically raised her head to look at the person who suddenly appeared at the door.


    Suddenly thinking of something, Jiu Ci's pupils froze and quickly loosened the bricks in his hands and squatted down into a ball, covering the top of his head with his hands.

    Yu Huaizhi looked at the little girl who shrank into a ball, his heart tightened suddenly, and a pain like a knife cut, Weng's expression was red and he walked quickly to the little girl and squatted down.

    She didn't dare to touch the other person rashly with her hands shaking, for fear that she would be hurt if she didn't know that she would hurt her. She whispered softly with a trembling voice, "Cibao, tell me where the pain is?" The

    little girl ignored her, holding her head and bowing her head. Pout.

    The little girl's unmoved expression made Yu Huaizhi's face tense, her tall and straight back stiffened, and she suppressed the anxiety in her eyes and coaxed softly, "Cibao, let your husband take a look, okay?"

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now