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Chapter 141 Yu Ye: Yes, I'm Yours

    Luochen, who walked out of the cave, glanced at the people around him lightly, looked up at the moon that was the same as before, and took a few seconds to look back.

    Seeing the figure walking away in front of him, he lowered his eyes and took steps to keep up.

    Just two steps away, there was an earth-shattering sound of collapse from behind.

    Everyone was taken aback, turned their heads to look, and saw that the hill just collapsed to the ground, and there were faintly visible cracks on the ground.

    They all looked at each other in shock.

    "Why, why did it collapse?" Sanyuan swallowed his saliva as he watched the hole he just came out of being buried.

    If he came out a minute later...

    "The tomb naturally doesn't need to exist if the person is gone." Luo Chen stopped to look back at the collapsed and buried cave, and said calmly.


    San Yuan was full of question marks at the moment.

    Jiu Ci, who was put on the plane, suddenly remembered, turned his head to look at Luo Chen and shouted, "Xiao Chen."

    Hearing the familiar name, Luo Chen's back froze, and his restrained eyes opened slightly, revealing a clear expression to Jiu Ci. A shallow happy smile, "Come."

    Some people are happy, others are unhappy.

    The corners of Yu Huaizhi's mouth tightened a little again, and the big hand holding the soft white little hand couldn't help but tighten.

    Seeing how disgusting the handsome face with a faint smile on the opposite side, the depression in his eyes increased.

    He grabbed the waist of the little girl who had just deliberately put it aside and planned to "cold" it, and hugged it into his arms, sitting on his lap.

    Caressing his hair, his voice was low and confusing, "If you are sleepy, sleep for a while."

    The big devil who was full really grabbed the other's clothes, rubbed it softly, raised his head and kissed Yu Huaizhi's chin , fell asleep on his stomach.

    Yu Huaizhi lowered his head against the top of the little girl's hair, the coldness in his eyes dissipated, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

    One hand wrapped around the little girl's waist, the other half hugged and patted her to sleep, her patient and gentle appearance overflowed between her brows.

    He also lazily raised his eyes and gave Luo Chen a meaningful glance.

    Luo Chen sneered at the man opposite who deliberately coaxed the little girl to kiss and blatantly declare possessiveness.

    dog man.

    Holding Ah Xiao's hand tightly, she pursed her lips tightly and turned her head to look out the window.

    Looking at the lights of the thousands of homes below and the increasingly small hills, the color of the eyes is as cold and dark as the moonlight.

    The continent seems to have transformed into a brand new era, everything has changed in a long time, only he is the same as before.

    Luo Chen slowly lowered his slender eyelashes, looked down at his pale and slender hands, and wondered what he was thinking.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now