Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 The husband is tired, Cibao quickly hugs

    Instead, he picked up the cute little girl beside him, got up and told Zhang Bo, he picked up the small backpack prepared for the little girl on the sofa.

    Yu Jingshen only reacted when the two people from one high and the other came to the door to change their shoes, and chased after him, "Brother, where are you going?"

    Yu Huaizhi glanced at him and didn't look back at him. He knelt down and focused on it. Shoes for little girls.

    Jiu Ci turned her head to answer Yu Jingshen, "Let's go on a date."

    "A date?"

    "A date?"

    Qin Jiaojiao, who followed up, was also shocked, and found that the person who had bent her knees and put on her shoes did not refute, and her whole body was about to split.

    The shock in my heart increased again, Master Yu was also too fond of the boss.

    "Where are you going on a date?" Yu Jingshen asked dumbfounded.

    "Amusement park." Jiu Ci blinked her big eyes innocently.

    "I'm going too." Xiaobawang, who has never been to an amusement park with his brother since childhood, said that he was jealous again.

    "You're going to be a light bulb?" Yu Huaizhi gave him a cold, irritated look, his eyes warning.

    Yu Jing shuddered, gritted his teeth and stuck his neck, "Then go too."

    "Can I go?" Qin Jiao raised her hand weakly.

    "What are you doing, you have seen people, hurry back." Yu Jingshen impatiently drove Qin Jiaojiao away.

    "I'm not going back, I want to be with you." Qin Jiaojiao pouted on her hips in dissatisfaction, staring at Yu Jingshen resentfully.

    Yu Huaizhi glanced at the two arguing, and led the quiet and curious little girl out silently, while the two were still arguing behind him.

    When they reacted and chased out, they only saw a car butt.

    Yu Huaizhi sat lazily in the back seat and scooped up his hands. He took the little girl into his arms and sat on his lap with his warm, slender hands on his slightly bulging stomach, and asked in a low voice, "Have you eaten enough?"

    Although the little girl didn't say anything and didn't have any abnormal reaction, she must have been overwhelmed by her slow pace just now.

    "A little." Jiu Ci raised her head in surprise and nodded her head obediently.

    "I'll rub it." Yu Huaizhi lowered his eyes and gently rubbed his abdomen slowly to promote digestion.

    Jiu Ci originally wanted to refuse because she could use spiritual energy to persuade her, but seeing that her husband seemed to be very serious, he couldn't take his good intentions away.

    So she cuddly nestled in Yu Huaizhi's arms and held him very respectfully to remove the black qi for him.

    Thanks to the merits of rescuing Qin Jiaojiao and the others before, the black qi in the husband's body was a little less, and the big devil was very happy.

    When Jiu Ci was about to fall asleep in a daze, it finally arrived.

    The amusement park was full of people this weekend, most of them were parents bringing their children to play, and there were also groups of teenagers.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now