Chapter 398

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Chapter 398 Fanwai: I will always accompany the radish

    Both sons let go, and the worried old mother, Ms. Bai, happily held a family dinner to celebrate and invited a bunch of people.

    Even though he knew he was going back to the old house, Yu Huaizhi did not let Jiu Ci get up early.

    Instead, he got up slowly, made breakfast, and prepared everything before going upstairs to get people out of bed.

    Looking at the little head huddled in the quilt, Yu Huaizhi's brows and eyes were as gentle as water, and he slowly approached and gently lifted the quilt, revealing the little girl's sleeping flushed face.

    And the looming red marks on the neck.

    Yu Huaizhi's eyes were dark, and his fingertips lightly rubbed the other party's smooth face, thinking of last night, his Adam's apple could not help rolling.

    Bullying the little girl was a bit too much last night.

    As the light increased, Jiu Ci frowned uncomfortably with his eyes closed, and he turned over and was about to retreat into the bed to hide.

    How could Yu Huaizhi make her shrink back again, leaned over and picked him up in his arms, patted her back and coaxed lightly.

    Jiu Ci, who had nowhere to hide, clutched Yu Huaizhi's clothes irritably, arched it sticky in his arms, and hid in his arms.

    Yu Huaizhi lowered his eyes and looked at the clingy little girl with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth. A small kiss fell on his ear, and he coaxed softly, "Cibao, it's time to get up."

    Jiu Ci couldn't open her eyes and pouted. With an unhappy mouth, he arched his arms in his arms, and muttered softly, "Sleepy."

    "Well, then Cibao will sleep for a while." Yu Huaizhi kissed the person in his arms, his voice pampering and pampering.

    This sleep until noon.

    After lunch, Jiu Ci took the little radish Sang Bao Bao to the radish field and pulled a few radishes, ready to take them to the old house to eat together.

    The four of them walked slowly to the old house with a few radishes.

    When they arrived, the Bai family had already arrived, chatting and laughing harmoniously.

    Yu Jingshen and Qin Jiaojiao also got off work early.

    The two children attracted the attention of all the elders as soon as they came, and Xiao Luo and Bao Bao were obediently calling out to them one by one.

    After walking in and out, the two of them were full of red envelopes in their arms, and their small arms were almost unable to hold them.

    Bai Yu and An Ning finally got married two years ago. Not long after they gave birth, their child was only a few months old.

    The little radish was curiously lying on the side of the baby's cradle and looked at the little baby inside, and the little guy was lying inside and smiling at her.

    Waving small hands and feet very happy.

    Seeing this, Little Carrot also smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed his waving little hand, softly not daring to exert force.

    Sang Baobao, who was successfully ignored, looked at the smiling little radish, and then at the silly little baby, his eyes dimmed.

    "Radish, I'm hungry." Sang Baobao said softly, pulling on the corner of Little Radish's clothes.

    As soon as she heard that Zhenbao was hungry, Xiaorui took Sang Baobao and turned around to find something to eat.

    Sang Baobao, who kept shouting that he was hungry, took the small cake and fed the radishes one bite at a time, but he didn't eat a single bite.

    The little radish shook his head as he ate, and the small balls on his head swayed.

    Until the family feast was over, the little radish had no chance to get close to the baby cradle.

    She only felt that Sang Baobao was too clingy today, and the others didn't feel anything wrong.

    It was very late when I returned to Ciyuan, and Xiaorui couldn't open his eyes when he was so tired. He stumbled onto the bed and fell asleep.

    Sang Baobao came out with the wet handkerchief, and carefully washed the face and hands of Little Radish, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and pulled the quilt to cover her.

    Turning around and going back to the bathroom to pack up, he slowly went to bed and fell asleep beside the radish.

    Before going to bed, he didn't forget to hold the other person's hand and softly said good night, "Good night, radish."

    After Yu Huaizhi helped Jiu Ci wash Xiangxiang and put it in the bed, he remembered that there were two children at home.

    He came to the children's room and gently opened the door. With a little moonlight, he saw the two sleeping peacefully on the bed, and raised his eyebrows.

    Silently closing the door, Yoyo turned around and went back to the room.

    The next day, Sang Baobao woke up and unexpectedly did not find the figure of radish on the bedside.

    When he came to the end of the bed and saw the little radish hanging crookedly beside the bed, Sang Baobao rubbed his eyes, stretched out his hand and tried to pull the person back.

    Holding his arms and rubbing his head, he solemnly coaxed the sleeping man, "Radishes are not afraid."

    Sang Baobao sat on the bed holding a radish and waited patiently for her to wake up, looking out the window in a daze.

    Suddenly, a flash of gold flashed in his eyes. Sang Baobao looked down at the soft face in his arms, and said softly, "Will the radish always stay with me?

    " I don't know whether to answer him or not.

    "I will always accompany the radish."

    Sang Baobao raised a bright smile, pure and sincere, with dazzling stars in his eyes.

    For Sang Baobao, radish is the warm sun in life, which cannot be replaced or lost.

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