Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 You bite me, you bite so hard

    The little girl is very powerful, just like her in his dream.

    But so what, she is still his little girl, and with him, he can protect her from letting her touch the darkness.

    Thinking of the story that started to continue in my dream recently, the arms around my waist couldn't help but tighten.

    She lowered her eyelashes to cover the obscurity in her eyes, tilted her head close to Jiu Ci and leaned against her neck, leaning on her.

    In this lifetime, I will definitely protect you.

    Yu Huaizhi leaned over, and Jiu Ci stopped kissing him, hugging someone and rubbing his head to comfort him silently.

    Everything was normal, the two of them ate together, and then Jiu Ci touched the study room every day to remove the black qi for her husband.

    Jiu Ci thought that the other party was not angry anymore.

    But after Yu Huaizhi coaxed people to sleep, he carried her to her pink room and put her on the soft bed.

    Sitting on the bed and still a little confused, Jiu Ci's little face was stunned, and she looked up at the culprit for unknown reasons.

    Yu Huaizhi silently, meticulously and skillfully stuffed the little girl into the quilt, pulled the quilt to cover it, leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead, said good night, and turned to leave.

    Jiu Ci, who was lying in his quilt, held the quilt in his soft and white little hands, staring at the ceiling in a dazed and astonished manner.

    So, she was bitten in vain before?

    And punish her to sleep by herself?

    Yu Huaizhi, who left Jiuci's room, did not go back to the study, but returned to his bedroom with heavy steps.

    Facing Jiu Ci, the wind was light and the clouds were no longer there, the forehead was soaked with thin cold sweat, the complexion was tense and forbearance, and the bright flowers at the end of the eyes showed signs of continuing to spread.

    Quickly walked to the front of the cabinet, opened the drawer, took out a tube of reagents and put it into his arm, his slightly pale lips pursed tightly into a straight line.

    He used that power today, and the backlash was even more serious than when he was usually sick.

    Although Jiu Ci personally slowed down, he could only make him barely keep calm in her.

    He was afraid that the inhibitor Bai Qi gave him would not be able to hold back, and he would hurt the little girl, so he had to put her back.

    Thinking of the little girl's dazed and unbelievable eyes before she left, the blue veins on her forehead were exposed, but she suddenly smiled.

    Have to think about how to coax people tomorrow.

    Although there is an inhibitor, it can prevent him from losing his mind, but the pain on his body can't be relieved much.

    The tall and noble man sat on the ground with a little embarrassment, holding his head and panting in a low voice, trying hard not to make a sound so as not to disturb the little girl next door.

    Manzhu Shahua at the end of the eye has quickly spread out and slid under the clothes along the collar, and the slender fingers with well-defined knuckles clenched fists and knuckles turned white.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now