Chapter 122

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Chapter 122 Cibao: Husband Said, Hide It Well

    On the other side, Jiu Ci, who hung up the phone, was carrying a small backpack and pushing a suitcase, walking slowly behind the large army.

    It was their teaching assistant who came out to greet them. Jiu Ci and Fu Jinnian had never met, but Mo Yu and the others knew each other very well.

    Although the homestay is not big, it is better than the clean environment.

    You cannot enter without a work permit.

    After I got my work permit, I brought a few people to the scene.

    The entrance is a flat ground, so a mouth was blown up on the flat ground to become the entrance.

    It looks very simple from the outside, but it is unexpectedly delicate inside. It looks old, but it can be seen that the owner of the tomb is a careful person, and the decorative buildings inside are very personal.

    Jiu Ci frowned at the unique style. Why is this style familiar?

    The teaching assistant led them all the way inside, and there were many staff coming and going around.

    "Although this tomb is not big, it is still of great reference value. When you get there, don't touch or touch it. See and learn more."


    "I have a question, whose tomb is this?" Zhou Wentao was excited. rubbed his hands and asked curiously.

    "The preliminary determination is that the tomb of the opposite-sex prince in the first year of Chaoyang is the tomb of the king of the north." The teaching assistant replied.

    "King of the North? That God of War Lord?" Mo Yu and the others looked at each other in surprise.

    The teaching assistant took them all the way to the innermost, a slightly larger secret room, probably the main tomb.

    The strange thing is that there is no coffin inside.

    There were also four people inside doing the cleanup work.

    "Professor Han, Professor Lin." The assistant called softly as he approached the person who was obsessed with cleaning up.

    The voice could not help attracting the attention of the two professors, and also caused the other two to look up.

    Jiu Ci's curious gaze met Sheng Chu, who raised his head, and both of them were a little surprised.

    Professor Lin looked up and continued to immerse himself in the cultural relics. Another middle-aged man, who was more serious and indifferent than Professor Lin, swept the six people with his sharp eyes.

    "Stand aside and watch how we deal with it. Watch and learn more by yourself."

    After leaving this sentence, he ignored them, squatted down and continued to focus on the work at hand.

    Since Mo Yu stood up straight and spread out, each found his own observation position, and began to take out a pen and paper to start recording.

    Jiu Ci, who didn't know he still had to take a pen and paper, was empty-handed.

    His eyes couldn't stop falling on Sheng Chu, and he couldn't help but admire the purple gold aura on her body.

    "Those two are our seniors, Xiao Ziyan and Sheng Chu. They don't show up very often, and I haven't seen them a few times."

    Mo Yu came to his side a few times and quietly pointed to Sheng Chu and another boy's introduction. road.

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