Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 Yu Ye: Cibao, I'm afraid

    "It's wrong to slander people." Jiu Ci's crisp and soft voice came slowly.

    Slander people, you will be beaten.

    Chen Luyao's expression froze silently crying, and she looked at Yu Huaizhi weakly and helplessly, her voice dripping with water, "Little brother is really just frightened, it hurts so much."

    Yu Huaizhi, who has been silent all the time Huaizhi slowly raised his eyes, and the eyes under the ink hair were dark and deep with a cold light.

    He glanced at the other party like a charity, then took it back and stared at the puffy little soft bag in his arms, and a cold voice came slowly.

    "Cibao, I'm afraid."

    Jiu Ci, who was pondering how to clean up the little goblin, came to his senses, hugged her husband's head and gently stroked, patted his back like he was, and soothed her softly, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. "

    He looked at the pretentious Chen Luyao on the ground again.

    Look, the little goblin is so scary, it scares her husband.

    Protecting her husband, Jiu Ci looked at the person who touched the porcelain on the ground, and the soft voice came out with a coldness.

    "It's not good to touch porcelain, and coveting someone else's husband is even worse, and you will be entangled with bad luck." The

    little girl's soft and inoffensive voice echoed in the empty and quiet passage, and Chen Luyao couldn't help but feel a chill. mind.

    No longer looking at the little goblin with a twisted face on the ground, Jiu Ci turned to look at Yu Huaizhi, dangling his two short legs, "Husband, let's go."

    "Okay." Yu Huaizhi replied in a low voice, her red lips seemed You Ruowu rubbed the snow-white neck, slightly numb and itchy.

    Jiu Ci flinched and thought that the other party had accidentally touched it and didn't care.

    Yu Huaizhi held the big baby and walked past the two people on the ground indifferently with long legs, and the lights on the aisle went out again when they passed by.

    In the darkness, Chen Luyao's unwilling and resentful outstretched hand was stepped on the ground without warning, and the sharp scream of pain sounded again, even more than before.

    Jiu Ci, who just tore off a trace of black air from her husband's body and quietly threw it on Chen Luyao's body, tilted her head in doubt.

    She just silently planted some bad luck on her to stimulate the evil she was carrying in advance, so she shouldn't be screaming so loudly.

    The ghosts who were sitting in a row in the dark watching the play were squatting on the melon seeds and shivered when they heard the terrifying scream, and the melon seeds fell to the ground.

    It turns out that this is the ghost call, they learned.

    The big ghost kowtowed the seeds and wondered: "By the way, is the time interval between turning off the lights so short now?" The

    little ghost scratched his head: "Isn't it before?

    " "

    Big ghost: "..."

    Little ghost: "!!!" In the

    dark, a group of big and small ghosts dressed in horror stood up and ran away with a small bench.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now