Chapter 399

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Chapter 399 Fanwai: A loving father and a loving mother, thoughts across time and space

    Fu Jingyun is the most talented person among the younger generation of Tianwaitian.

    He started to practice at the age of three, he was able to condense his Qi at the age of five, he became the youngest intermediate cultivator at the age of ten, and even broke through to the advanced level at the age of sixteen.

    She is not only the future of Tianwaitian, but also the pride of the Fu family.

    Everyone thought that she would continue to grow and become stronger, leading Tianwaitian to its former prosperity.

    However, when she was eighteen years old in high spirits.

    She led the clan to go out to arrest the magic cultivator who caused disaster everywhere. Unfortunately, she was caught in a trick. In order to buy time for the clan to escape, she stayed without hesitation.

    But because of this, he accidentally fell to the continent of another world, and smashed on a hapless person.

    Nine Unlucky Yuan Yuan leaned on the ground in pain with his almost broken waist, his face ashen.

    It's really unfortunate that people can be overwhelmed by Mount Tai after taking a nap.

    Fu Jingyun was dizzy because of someone's flesh pad, but his consciousness was still not blurred. He got up with difficulty, covered in blood, and held the silver sword around the strange boy's neck.

    "Say, who are you and who sent you here?" Fu Jingyun's eyes were cold and murderous.

    Jiuyuan, who sat up lazily with his waist up, looked at the girl who questioned him, and couldn't believe it, "Girl, you smashed me." To

    be honest, shouldn't I ask you this sentence?

    Fu Jingyun frowned, looked around at the unfamiliar environment around him, and his head was aching.

    "Where is this place?"

    "Shi Haizhou."

    "Which country does it belong to?"

    "Scarlet cloud country." As the

    two asked and answered, Fu Jingyun's face became more and more solemn.

    Jiuyuan looked at the other party's unpredictable expression and shook his head regretfully.

    What a beautiful girl, unfortunately she is a fool.

    When the two were at a stalemate, a group of people suddenly appeared and shouted at them, shouting the slogan of eliminating demons.

    When he saw the two of them together, he regarded them as accomplices, without giving them a chance to explain, and rushed up with a weapon.

    Fu Jingyun felt the murderous aura, and clenched his silver sword with a cold expression, ready to fight recklessly.

    Just two steps forward, Jiu Yuan carried it on his shoulders and fled in despair.

    Fu Jingyun's face was ashen after being stunned, and he clenched the hilt of the sword and rebuked in a low voice.

    "The disciples of the Fu family don't have any cowards to escape, let me down, and I can fight again."

    Jiuyuan kept walking and even accelerated, running and hiding from the long-range attacks behind him.

    Glancing at the little girl on her shoulders, her eyes were extremely complicated, "Girl, can we stop talking while vomiting blood?"

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