Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Nightmare, Master Yu's tenderness

    The effect is not great, Jiu Ci seems to be in some abyss and has been struggling, and his brows are wrinkled.

    Yu Huaizhi looked at the little girl who was constantly struggling and scared, her thin red lips pursed slightly, she looked up at the person who stopped speaking at the computer, and ended the meeting coldly, "That's it."

    Then, he closed it directly . The video was posted, leaving the others looking at each other in dismay.

    After closing the meeting, Yu Huaizhi stood up with the little girl in his hand, walked around the study slowly, and patted the back of the person who was caught in the nightmare with one hand.

    The delicate eyebrows are slightly frowned. When he was a child, he saw that his mother coaxed his younger brother like this, and he didn't know if it was useful.

    After coaxing for a few laps, the little girl with her hands clenched until her bones turned white looked up and rubbed her head gently, whispering, "Daddy."

    Yu Huaizhi clapped his hands lightly, and his eyes became darker. Looking at the person who was caught in a nightmare by the neck, there was a dim light that could not tell the emotion.

    "Don't be afraid, you have me."

    After a long time, a gentle and warm voice sounded in his ears, soothing Jiu Ci's sadness.

    After the trembling person in his arms quieted down, Yu Huaizhi slowly returned to the bedroom to put the person down, and sat on the edge of the bed quietly staring at her sleeping face, not knowing what he was thinking.

    It was another school day, and I spent a few days in the hospital, and all the weekends were over.

    Taking a careful look at the little girl's usual expression, Yu Huaizhi slowly sent her to school.

    After separating from her husband, Jiu Ci turned around and lowered the corners of her mouth, her expression desolate.

    "Twenty-two, I dreamed of Daddy." Jiu Ci said softly.

    "Don't be sad, host, Erbi is with you." Erbi, who was lying on the ground, rubbed up suddenly, propping up the cat's head to comfort him.

    Jiu Ci walked slowly forward with his head lowered, his eyes slightly lost.

    Daddy died, to save her.

    She has been dependent on her father since she was a child, and he taught all her knowledge of the world. Although he is sometimes unreliable, in her eyes he is the best person.

    After all, she doesn't have many contacts.

    They have always been together and have never been separated. The only time was when he was going out to run errands and couldn't bring her when he was young, so he fostered her at a friend's house.

    As a result, a few months later, he came back injured and found her and picked her up.

    Um? Foster care at a friend's house?

    Jiu Ci suddenly stopped in her footsteps, her eyes slightly opened with a hint of surprise.

    Has she lived in someone else's house?

    Why can't she remember?

    Whose house did she go to?

    Frowning and tangled, Jiu Ci's mind suddenly flashed a cold and thin figure.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now