Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 Protect yourself when you encounter a goblin

    The little girl's generous admission made Yu Huaizhi not sure how to react.

    The flat lip line was slightly raised, the narrow and deep eyes held a shallow smile, the voice was low and mellow and provocative, guiding intentionally or unintentionally, "It's not frivolous there."

    The person on the other side of the screen held his breath and saw the office seat. The man in the chair got up and looked up beyond the camera. He paused and sat back on the chair, with a dazzling smile on his face.

    A hoarse chuckle came slowly.

    "Should kiss here."

    The people on the opposite side of the video lost their goosebumps, scared and afraid to speak out.

    Jiu Ci, who was suddenly attacked and kissed on the lips, slightly lowered his head and looked down at the man who smiled and whispered, pursing his lips a little puzzled.

    Is thin and light still divided into places?

    However, the husband will not lie to her.

    The little lamb spontaneously jumped into the trap of the big bad wolf, and sternly bent over to sip on the slightly hooked lips.

    A few people who thought they could see the true face of Mount Lushan held their breath again and opened their eyes wide to look at the little girl who appeared on the screen.

    It's a pity that the little girl moved too fast, she really pecked and left.

    It disappeared before they could take a closer look.

    Yu Huaizhi raised his head slightly, with a smile in his eyes staring deeply at the little girl who was reminiscing, and chuckled meaningfully, "Are you still satisfied?"

    Jiu Ci pursed her lips and nodded, "Very much. Satisfied."

    Today's husband, how sweet?

    The smile on Yu Huaizhi's mouth deepened, and he laughed in a low voice.

    The depression just now was swept away.

    Until Jiu Ci left the study, she didn't understand what the other party was laughing at, and continued to swing on the swing in a happy mood.

    Ever since the little girl left, the man who couldn't help being cold and handsome had a doting smile on the corner of his mouth, watching a group of people silently breaking the weird pink bubbles.

    Until the other party naturally picked up the cup of the little girl's leftover yogurt and wiped it out one by one with a natural expression, everyone's expressions finally couldn't be maintained.

    One of them asked curiously in Chinese with his feet pouted, "Huai, this is?"

    "Oh, you can't waste food." Yu Huaizhi raised his eyebrows and answered perfunctorily.

    Heh, hell can't waste food.

    The man's deep and charming face twitched slightly.

    He hasn't bubbling for a while, what has his friend experienced during this time?

    Yu Huaizhi wiped his hands after eating the yogurt slowly, and withdrew his gaze from the shadow outside the window to look at the computer screen.

    "Okay, you can follow up on the next thing. In addition to the company's intervention in the Lin family's affairs, there must be a third party involved. You need to find out who it is."

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now