Chapter 222

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Chapter 222 My wife is not happy, I am not happy

    Jiu Ci's eyes were firm for a few seconds, then she squinted lazily, leaning on Yu Huaizhi's shoulder as if she had no bones, and sticking to him intimately.

    Today, I spent a lot of time trying to save my two bad brothers, and I couldn't help but relax while lying in my husband's arms.

    Feeling the little girl's distress, Yu Huaizhi gently hugged the person who was soft and treaded lightly, and patted her back to sleep with one hand around her waist and the other.

    Patience and gentleness, the eyes are full of doting taste.

    Jiu Ci slowly closed his eyes, and the sense of distress came to his face.

    Yu Huaizhi coaxed and whispered in her ear, "Go to sleep, baby, my husband is here."

    No one can bully you.

    He coaxed the little girl to sleep, put it in the quilt, covered the quilt, wiped her face and hands, and Yu Huaizhi left the bedroom reluctantly.

    He went downstairs with a grim expression and looked at the two people sitting on the sofa with slightly heavy eyebrows, with the coercion and momentum of the superior.

    "Master, Master Luo is back with his friends." Zhang Bo, who greeted Luo Chen and Ge Hen, said happily.

    "En." Yu Huaizhi nodded and whispered.

    After letting Uncle Zhang go to prepare dinner, Yu Huaizhi sat opposite the two of them, leaning on the sofa lazily and wanton, with a clear and indifferent look with an aura that could not be ignored.

    Seemingly careless, but in fact the momentum is bright.

    Lying on the sofa with seven legs and eight hands, Ge Hen, who had no image, looked at the cold man opposite, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

    "I know you've suffered, but you just abducted people so quietly, isn't it a little immoral?"

    Gehen sat up irritably, looking at Yu with an impatient look on his handsome face. Huai Zhi Tucao.

    "What's the crime?" Yu Huaizhi's expression did not change, his dark eyes narrowed slightly and he said coldly.

    "Cha, I forgot, you haven't recovered your memory." Looking at the cold words on the other side, Ge Hen patted his forehead, very irritable.

    Seeing Ge Hen talking to himself in a frenzy, Yu Huaizhi frowned and pursed the corners of his mouth.

    "Anyway, our maiden's family hasn't agreed yet, and the matter of your marriage is nothing to count." Ge Hen struggled a few times, straightening his back and wanting to repent of the marriage.

    The eyes of Yu Huaizhi, who had never changed his face, showed an inch of ice in his eyes, and a sinister aura surged out, staring at the dying Gehen with murderous aura.

    Raising his right hand, the red rope on his fingertips was looming, Yu Huaizhi raised his eyebrows slightly, showing off a little proudly, "It seems that you don't need to agree."

    Ge Hen looked at the red line like a throat, and his arrogant momentum suddenly weakened. down.

    Only Luo Chen, who was silent on the side, quietly took out a pair of golden scissors and smiled slightly, "I can also cut it for you."

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now