Chapter 165

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Chapter 165 The group is boring, it's its own beast

    Bai Yu, who was madly out of control, suddenly silenced, and looked at the monster with dull eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief.

    How can his peace be?

    The demon sneaked up while Jiu Ci turned back, and when his claws were about to touch Jiu Ci, his thin body was kicked and flew out.

    It slammed into the house and fell to the ground in a mess.

    "Take it easy." Bai Yu shouted eagerly as he watched Jiu Ci kick An Ning away.

    Jiu Ci paused and turned around in amazement.

    Light what? If I don't have it lightly, it's me.

    Jiu Ci didn't want to talk to this person who only had a beloved woman in his eyes, so he turned his head and planned to enter the house and quickly pack up and take the money to leave.

    "You have to pay attention, the contract states that the parties must be intact." Wei He, who had a pale face, couldn't help but remind him.

    Looking at the completely changed tranquility inside, his eyes were frightened.

    She didn't expect things to be so serious.

    There can be nothing wrong with tranquility.

    Jiu Ci paused and continued to move forward, and Bai Yu's arrogant voice came from behind again.

    "Take it lightly, don't hurt her."

    Jiu Ci's arms that fell on both sides tightened, and then he stepped into the dark room, closing the door vigorously, isolating all the bad people.

    Bai Yu still wanted to say something, but was yelled back by Da Huang's threatening expression of baring his teeth.

    Bai Yu didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

    Jiu Ci strolled close to the evil spirit who was leaning against the partially collapsed wall, swaying and stood up, tilting his head in confusion.


    This kind of evil spirit is not very common, mainly because it has little attack power and evil cultivators do not like to raise them.

    It will only make the host accelerate the loss of vitality.

    The enraged demon roared angrily at Jiu Ci, rushed towards her frantically, and bit her with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

    Jiu Ci's eyes didn't blink, and one hand pinched the neck of the evil spirit who rushed over, her brows were shallow and indifferent, and the dark pupils were dark without light.

    In the resistance of the evil spirit's claws and claws, he slowly raised his other hand and grabbed it in the void in an attempt to pull out the possessed evil spirit.

    However, this demon was tightly clinging to An Ning and refused to let go.

    Jiu Ci squinted his eyes, and the small joints in his right hand were slightly white, and he pulled hard.

    The invincible evil spirit was finally stripped away.

    The tranquility that had lost the evil spirit also returned to its original appearance.

    It's just that his face is pale and haggard, and his body is also pitifully thin and pitiful.

    Even if she is so weak, she can still see how bright and beautiful her face is on weekdays.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now