Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 Can You Don't Leave Me

    After the Ciyuan, Jiu Ci couldn't wait to go to the radish field to see her radishes.

    Yu Huaizhi, on the other hand, hurried up to the second floor and went back to his room. When he came out again, his hair was wet and he changed into a set of home clothes.

    Jiuci planted radishes, and Uncle Zhang was also very attentive. He bought herbicides and a small hoe and came back to clean up the radish field carefully.

    After lunch, the old and the young were busy in the backyard.

    Yu Huaizhi glanced at the backyard from time to time when he was doing official business in the study.

    At night, Jiu Ci suddenly remembered what happened today. Since her husband trusted her so much, she must not let her husband down.

    She must work hard to save people and earn merit, and she must also work hard to earn money to support her husband.

    Pick up the phone and poke it on it, and send a message to Ge Hen who has "Qian Tu".

    [If I go to you, how can I earn 300 million? 】

    【? ? ? are you coming? 】

    【Said. ]

    [Accept tasks, the minimum is tens of thousands, the maximum is unlimited, the higher the task level, the more money. 】

    Jiu Ci paused slightly after poking at the screen, and hesitated for a while.

    [Okay, I'll go. 】

    【Okay, I'll pick you up right away. ]

    [No, you give me a few tasks, I will take the time to do them. ]


    Gehen, who had just jumped up from the lazy chair, was so excited that he held the phone and his face fell down again.

    Why does he feel that he has not found a subordinate for himself, but an ancestor?

    After negotiating with Ge Hen, Jiu Ci was ready to turn off his phone and go to bed.

    Suddenly, the phone lit up. Looking at the notification from the department group, I suddenly remembered something.

    Putting the phone aside, he started rummaging around in the room, took out a small suitcase and started stuffing clothes into it.

    After washing up, one of Yu Huai, who was about to come to see the little girl and go back to sleep, opened the door and saw a bed full of clothes and daily necessities, as well as a messy suitcase.

    The hand holding the doorknob tightened sharply, so hard that the knuckles turned white.

    His dark pupils shrank, his breathing stopped for a moment, and he silently walked behind Jiu Ci, who was trying to stuff things into the suitcase.

    A large shadow fell, Jiu Ci looked up and turned around, and saw Yu Huaizhi with a gloomy and gloomy face. I don't know if it was a problem with the angle. At this time, his eyes were a little gloomy and hesitant.

    "Husband, why are you here?" Jiu Ci gave up the act of stuffing things, got up and asked Yu Huaizhi, who was not looking very well.

    The crumbling emotions in his heart suppressed his heart and made him almost breathless. He stared at the little girl with faint eyes, and Yu Huaizhi reached out and took her little hand, his movements were very gentle.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now