Chapter 204

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Chapter 204 The cat is increasingly being abandoned by Yu Shiguan


    What can the little girl do if she likes to eat?

    Of course, to help her group and feed her mouth.

    The lost Jiu Ci, who thought she had nothing to eat, seemed to see an angel at this moment, and her husband was glowing.

    The big devil took over the black dumplings in the hands of the angels, and made two rounds by himself, suffocating.

    Just after eating, Yu Huaizhi will hand over another one, and Jiu Ci takes it and regroups and sighs.

    The cooperation of the two fooled the two people outside the door.

    After dealing with the outside, Qiu Ning and Lin Yu stood dumbly at the door and watched the picture of the two of them working together in the house, and their chins ran away from home.

    What did they see?

    When did the big man's man come? Why is he in the group? Boss, why is she eating demons?

    Don't you gnaw your teeth?

    Shocked for three consecutive years, the children were frightened and dumbfounded.

    One of Yu Huai calmly and skillfully surrounded the evil spirits, and glanced at the stunned two people at the door.

    He said threatening words in a cold tone, "If you want to survive, forget everything you saw today."

    The two smart people who were watched immediately straightened up, nodded obediently, and were afraid for a while.

    Frightened, he stood outside the door watching the wind, glanced at the strange and harmonious scene inside, touched the goose bumps on the back of his hand, and was greatly shocked.

    Knowing things they shouldn't know, they were almost silenced.

    Hearing the little girl burping, Yu Huaizhi stopped feeding.

    With a wave of his hand, he picked out the remaining demons, picked out some of them, and put them away. He touched the satisfied little girl, "Save these for later."

    "Okay." She narrowed her eyes comfortably and nodded her head.

    After Yu Huaizhi waved his hand, the remaining evil spirits above his head disappeared instantly.

    So for the next few days, Yu Huaizhi would take an hour every day to accompany Jiu Ci on missions, and by the way, he would do feeding missions.

    Then this screen appeared.

    Every time, Yu Huaizhi carried the little girl to the destination, then put her in a safe area, and then tyrannically released coercion to suppress the evil spirits.

    In the end, Qiu Ning and Lin Yu fought on the front line, while he was in the rear to help from time to time. Most of the time, he was feeding the little girl with evil spirits.

    In the past few days, the cat is full every day, and its dependence on the shovel officer is also increasing day by day.

    Only the enslaved Qiu Ning and Lin Yu suffered so much that they were strong under the huge amount of tasks every day, so that they undoubtedly won the title of the strongest demon slayer of the month.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now