Chapter 209

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Chapter 209 The Drunk Husband Is A Little Boy

    People's sorrows and joys are different, probably the younger brother is sad and bleak, but the elder brother is warm and fragrant.

    As soon as Jiu Ci brought people into the house, he was hugged in his arms. He was very clingy like a big dog, rubbing and rubbing, arching and arching.

    Yu Huaizhi's long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly squinted, full of shimmer and laziness, hugging the delicate and soft person and kissing the snow-white skin for a while.

    "Husband." Jiu Ci was a little itchy after being kissed, and smiled pretty.

    "Yeah." Yu Huaizhi responded casually while kissing.

    His voice was low and calm, and there was no hint of drunkenness.

    "Husband, take a bath." Jiu Ci said softly while holding the other's head.

    The person who was rubbing back and forth really stopped, and then silently raised his head and stared at her, only she was left in a pair of deep and dark eyes.

    Jiu Ci led the person to the wardrobe, pulled out a set of Yu Huaizhi's pajamas, and then led the person to the bathroom and handed him the pajamas for patient guidance.

    "Take a shower first, then put on your clothes, and then come out, okay?"

    Yu Huaizhi's dark eyes stared at the little girl's soft face, and after a while he slowly took the clothes but stood still.

    Youyou stared at her, not knowing what to do.

    Jiu Ci blinked, pulled his collar down, and tiptoed a soft kiss that gently fell on the other party's bright red and beautiful thin lips.

    "Be good." He stroked her husband's fluffy hair and smiled softly.

    The man who was standing still finally turned around and entered the bathroom, only to put his clothes on and come out again, pulling Jiu Ci inside.

    Without saying a word, he took the towel and gently wiped the lip prints on the little girl's face. After slowly wiping it off, he stubbornly lowered his head and kissed himself before sending Jiu Ci out.

    He closed the door silently and started taking a shower.

    During the period, his expression was rigorous and indifferent, and his movements were coherent at all, not like a drunk person.

    Jiu Ci looked at the closed glass door, touched her cheek and couldn't help smiling, her round almond eyes flickered.

    "Er-er, husband is really fun."

    Erbi twitched his tail boredly and opened his eyes wide to show that he didn't understand where the fun was.

    When he had nothing to do, Jiu Ci sat on the bed holding the sugar bowl while sipping sugar while waiting, and glanced at him from time to time.

    quite worried.

    Ten minutes later, the closed door opened, and Yu Huaizhi, who had put on loose pajamas, appeared at the door.

    I also washed my hair. The wet hair was steaming, and the ends of the hair curled slightly in front of my forehead, lazily and wanton.

    His deep eyes were fixed on the little girl on the bed who was looking sideways at him.

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