Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 Punishment, Cibao wants to hug

    Yu Huaizhi got up and covered her face with a gloomy face, and his long, slender hands pierced through her soft black hair and raised it slightly behind her head.

    With one hand resting on the soft pillow on the other side of her, she leaned over, like a beast trapping its prey, with a force that cannot be ignored.

    The thin and cool thin lips fell on the soft cherry lips without warning, and there was a flash of anger in the gloomy eyes, and she took a bite.

    With a gentle and slow bite, his dark and dark eyes turned reddish, and he was insatiable and eager to get more.

    Jiu Ci, who was suddenly kissed, widened her cat's pupils, and her husband bit her again.

    Yu Huaizhi's kiss was arrogant and restrained, lingering on the other party's soft lips but not going deep, and the end of his eyes were reddish because of restraint, sultry and charming.

    The deep eyes stared at the pair of pupils with crystal grievances, and finally took a bite before leaving.

    The pulp of the thumb slid across the corners of the crystal eyes, gently rubbing, and the two were very close.

    Yu Huaizhi's deep eyes fell into starlight, looking at the little girl's aggrieved expression casually and evilly, he whispered in a hoarse voice, "If you scare me like this again, it won't be so simple."

    Jiu Ci The slightly swollen lips that were still marked with tooth marks twitched, and the sparkling eyes flashed to accuse the other party, "You bit me again."

    Yu Huaizhi stared deeply at the aggrieved and charming little girl, his heart a little numb. , bent over and took a bite again, "Who made you disobedient."

    "I called you." She was obedient, and Jiu Ci retorted angrily.

    "But you passed out." Yu Huaizhi hurriedly returned, and sighed helplessly, "Cibao, you can have secrets, but you can't hurt yourself."

    It doesn't matter if you have secrets, as long as you are mine.

    Jiu Ci looked at the faint sadness and helplessness between his brows, and felt a little distressed. He stretched out his arms around his waist and gently comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I'm amazing."


    Yes, you are amazing.

    He was kidnapped at both ends for three days, and was injured from time to time. He had never seen such a person who could cause trouble.

    The problem is that he can't beat this man, and he will be charged for two bites.

    Yu Huaizhi asked Bai Qi to check on Jiu Ci's body with a sullen face, to make sure that she was really fine before she could rest assured.

    Jiu Ci looked at the two people who were waiting for him, and couldn't help but comfort him, "I just slept, it's all right."

    Two days ago, he was still in a drowsy state, but he felt refreshed when he woke up.

    "You slept for three days." Yu Huaizhi glanced angrily at the relaxed client.

    three days?

    The client was stunned, obviously she only slept for a while.

    "Okay, it's alright, I can be discharged from the hospital." Bai Qi ignored the two of them and finished the quick check, trying to drive them away.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now