Chapter 86

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Chapter 86 Yu Ye's Shot, Is She You Can Touch?

    "Wait, this person has to be handed over to us." Seeing that the other party planned to take Qin Weiwei away, the Qin family's bodyguard couldn't help but stop.

    What he got was a deep, cold gaze that made his back feel cold.

    "Let them take them away." One person suddenly walked out from behind Yu Huaizhi and said coldly.

    When Qin Jiaojiao saw the person coming, her delicate and bright eyes widened, she immediately stood up obediently like a quail, and stammered, "Big, big, big brother." The

    elegant and stern Qin Duo turned to look at him She approached with an expressionless face, showing no sign of anger.

    Qin Jiaojiao lowered her head and raised her heart as she listened to the approaching footsteps, clenching her fingers.

    Mom, why is her brother here?

    Since childhood, Miss Qin, who has been arrogant and domineering at home, has always been arrogant and domineering at home. She has never been afraid of anything since she was a child.

    Qin Duo stared coldly at the cowardly and guilty Qin Jiaojiao, "Do you know what's wrong?"

    Qin Jiaojiao raised her head in disbelief, "Brother, I was kidnapped."

    I am the victim.

    "You were kidnapped because you didn't have the heart to guard against others. I reminded you before, but she couldn't believe it." Qin Duo taught Youyou coldly.

    Miss Qin's proud head hangs down, very depressed.

    "I thought you didn't like her, that's why you told me that."

    "So you called me a cold-blooded animal?" Qin Duo was caught off guard, his eyes were slightly cold.

    Qin Jiaojiao's body froze slightly, her head lowered a little, and she apologized in a decadent and sad manner, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

    Qin Duo looked at the depressed Qin Jiaojiao coldly, with a deep look in his eyes.

    The Qin family is such a little princess, and the whole family dotes on her. Although he is not good at words as a brother, he also loves her very much.

    When he was a child, a small group of cute and loving people followed him softly and called his brother softly. Later, when the second uncle adopted Qin Weiwei and came back, she seemed to be a different person.

    Began to become arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and domineering, and became the charming young lady in everyone's mouth.

    Fortunately, although she was arrogant but not cruel, he was worried that he would send her in with his own hands in the future.

    "It's good to know it's wrong." Qin Duo glanced at the little cowardly bag lightly, and said that he would no longer be held accountable.

    Qin Jiaojiao raised her tearful eyes and threw herself into each other's arms, crying.

    She was saddened by the hatred and kidnapping of someone who had been treating her as her own sister for more than ten years.

    Yu Huaizhi hugged the little girl and left with people early, leaving only the Qin family in the unfinished building.

    Yu Huaizhi took the little girl to the camouflage off-road vehicle waiting outside.

    The big devil, who always pays attention to his husband's emotions, looked at him with his little eyes. Seeing that the other party was still indifferent and could not tell his anger or anger, he hesitated a few times and slowly raised his arms to cover the top of his head.

(MTL)The soft and sticky spirit in Master Yu's eyes is a full-scale boss Where stories live. Discover now