Chapter 168

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Chapter 168 Cibao said it was completely irresistible

    The two squatted in the corner, head to head, whispering in whispers.

    "What, what's wrong?" Qiu Ning, who was squatting in the corner for no apparent reason, was full of confusion.     Unexpectedly, the little girl next to her raised her white face and puffed

    her cheeks and asked her with a serious and serious look, "How can I win the favor of men?"     "Get on him?"     Qiu Ning, who was pouting, felt a sense of guilt under the innocent and pure eyes of the little girl, and hurriedly stopped before Jiu Ci spoke.     "Cough cough...     Just say it casually, don't take it seriously." Jiu Ci, who opened his mouth to ask how he got on, closed his mouth and looked lonely.     The little ball on the head felt a little bit.     Seeing that the well-behaved little girl was sad, Qiu Ning glanced meaningfully at the back of Jiu Ci's neck, cleared her throat and made a professional appearance, "They say that if you want to catch a person, you must first grab his stomach, understand? Jiu Ci felt her stomach and thought about the     food her husband made for her every time, and nodded in agreement.     Really catch it.     Qiu Ning frowned again, searching his stomach and recalling the daily interaction of the only couple around him, "I have to walk around in front of him from time to time, and show my gentle and considerate side from time to time."     Jiu Ci tilted his head and thought about it seriously. The husband, who met every day on weekdays and coaxed her to sleep, nodded in agreement.     Indicates being considerate.     "If the relationship between the two of them is closer, they can act coquettishly and show cuteness, kiss and hug each other and hold them high." Qiu Ning frowned again.     She was single with her mother and child, and one day she would answer the little girl's emotional questions here.     Jiu Ci once again recalled the husband who had asked for a kiss, hugged and held hands before, and nodded in agreement.     This works very well.

    She was totally irresistible.

    "If the above still fails, then you can only use the trump card." Qiu Ning, who wanted to go bald, suggested through gritted teeth.

    Jiu Ci, who nodded his head subconsciously, came back to his senses, and stared at her with a pair of bewildered eyes.

    Qiu Ning showed a meaningful smile and whispered something close to the little girl's ear.

    I saw the ignorant little girl's pupils tremble, stunned.

    Qiu Ning, who had completed the task, patted Jiu Ci's shoulder like a big brother, smiled and nodded affirmatively to encourage her.

    Behind his back he breathed a sigh of relief.

    Jiu Ci was still very stunned, and was shocked by Qiu Ning's words for a long time, but he couldn't come back to his senses.

    After Qiu Ning relaxed, he felt that something was wrong again. He frowned and recalled, "The man you're talking about is the one who took you away when he hunted monsters last time?"

    Meng Keci nodded obediently.

    "Is it the person who called you just now?" Qiu Ning asked again.

    The good-natured kind nodded again.

    "Is it the one who grows strawberries for you?" Qiu Ning asked.

    Jiu Ci nodded and shook his head subconsciously, stared at Qiu Ning with big sincere eyes and said, "He didn't plant strawberries for me."

    I planted radishes for him.

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