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Chapter 132 Dangerous! Cibao, I am here

    The sneering and mocking faces of those people brushed across Jiu Ci's mind, and the hands that were clenching their lips tightly tightened a bit.

    His body trembled with unease and anger.

    Yu Huaizhi realized that something was wrong, Jianmei frowned and looked worriedly at the little girl with a pale face.

    She put the man down and put him in his arms, frowning and kissing the cute little hair, holding Jiu Ci's white and soft face in one hand and whispering, "Ci Bao."

    Jiu Ci didn't seem to hear it . , his brows were furrowed, his puffy face tightened, his lips pursed into a straight line.

    Seeing this, Yu Huaizhi's eyes sank, his big hands caressed the little girl's tense and pale face, and his soft voice softly comforted, "Baby."

    But it seemed to be of no use.

    Sheng Chu, who had noticed Jiu Ci's abnormality for a long time, looked at her casually, raised his eyebrows sloppily, and reached out to touch Jiu Ci's wrist.

    "I'll take a look for her."

    Sanyuan and Huaru stood in front of them and reached out their hands to block Sheng Chu, who was standing in front of them.

    Yu Huaizhi carefully guarded the soft little girl in his arms and glanced lazily and indifferently at Sheng Chu who was stunned across Sanyuan and Huaru, "No need.

    " , the scattered eyes darkened, and the dim light flashed by.

    "Sir, you're here."

    "Sir, wake up."


    A childish voice suddenly mixed into the sarcastic and noisy voice, shouting eagerly.

    Jiu Ci, who was caught in a nightmare, suddenly opened his eyes, and at that moment, there was a lingering evil in his black Xingyan eyes.

    Jiu Ci gasped slightly, and clenched the little hand that was holding Yu Huaizhi's collar tightly, and her scattered pupils gradually focused.

    Looking up at the terrified face in front of him, he murmured like an uneasy little beast, "Husband?"

    Seeing that the little girl was awake, Yu Huaizhi fondly stroked the little girl's slightly messy hair, "Well, I'm here."

    Jiu Ci looked at the other party in a daze, a drop of physiological tears ran through the corners of his eyes, a pair of cat pupils Panic and flickering.

    Seeing such a hesitant little girl, Yu Huaizhi's heart ached, and a kiss like raindrops fell.

    "Baby, I'm here." The

    voice was very close and gentle.

    Jiu Ci clenched her clothes and opened her mouth to say something, when the earth shook and the mountain shook again.

    This time, the tremor was stronger than before, and cracks began to appear on the surrounding walls.

    Yu Huaizhi took the lead in protecting the little girl in his arms to prevent all dangers. He raised his head and glanced at the roof of the cave that was about to collapse, his face sank, and he growled, "Go."

    Yu Huaizhi picked up Jiu Ci and continued along the passage . , Sanyuan et al.

    Sheng Chu also jumped out ghostly.

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