Chapter 202

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Chapter 202 Unlucky brother, the radish is still stewed

    Qin Jiaojiao was shocked, and the person who was hit turned petrified on the ground.

    In the end, Qin Jiaojiao, who digested herself, left Ciyuan in despair. When she left, everyone was floating, and she was even more listless than when she just came.

    Seeing Qin Jiaojiao leave, Jiu Ci stretched out her numb legs, stared at the big radish that had been buried in the soil, blinked and waved.

    The watery big radish saw the light again.

    Holding the big radish, he strolled to the kitchen, casually thinking about what to cook the radish with.

    After thinking about it for a day and finally discussing with Zhang Uncle, we decided to stew the pork ribs soup. The bone soup with big radish was extra sweet, and Uncle Zhang kept praising the radishes grown by Jiuci.

    When the soup was brought to the table in the evening, Yu Jing, who came in looking for the fragrance, greeted him perfunctorily and sat down spontaneously.

    Yu Huaizhi, who was pouring soup for the little girl, gave him a fluttering glance, and all his heart fell on Jiu Ci.

    Zhang Bo, who hadn't seen Yu Jingshen for a long time, happily helped him serve the soup.

    Yu Jingshen squeezed his chopsticks, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Since the unhappy breakup that day, he hadn't seen Qin Jiaojiao again, and the figure he usually saw when he turned around has not appeared for a few days.

    Today, it is rare for him to lower his posture and take the initiative to find her, but she is still behind closed doors.

    The fellow was absolutely avoiding him.

    "What the hell is Qin Jiaojiao hiding? Can I still eat her?" Yu Jingshen's gloomy face was full of hostility, and he couldn't help complaining.

    "Yes." Jiu Ci held the bowl and took a sip of the soup, squinting his eyes comfortably.

    Both of the Yu family turned to look at her.

    Jiu Ci took a slow sip of the fresh soup, then turned to look at Yu Huaizhi and explained in a soft voice, "My brother and Jiaojiao fought, but it's okay, Jiaojiao won."

    Yu Huaizhi lowered his eyebrows and wiped it. The little girl gave a cold glance at the silly brother across from the corner of her mouth.

    "Hit a woman? Is that how the Yu family educated you?"

    Yu Jingshen, who went from fighting with Jiaojiao and losing in an instant to hitting a woman, was full of confusion.

    Heaven and earth conscience, when did he hit a woman?

    "When did I hit Qin Jiaojiao?" Yu Jingshen, who had a few pots on his back, turned over in shock.

    "You even bit her, and your mouth is broken." Jiu Ci complained solemnly.

    Yu Huaizhi's reproachful gaze became a little weird for a moment, he added food for the little girl, and then glanced at someone with red ears on the opposite side.

    "They've all bitten people, and they haven't brought them back, it's useless." Yu Huaizhi taught his younger brother meaningfully.

    The flustered and shy Yu Jing gritted his teeth, his fists clenched, "Did I not want to bring it back? She ran too fast."

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