Vision Ten

48 3 0

March 13

Alexis sat on her father's back as he crawled around the floor. She was supposed to be helping him clean her toys, but she saw the opportunity for a game of 'horsey,' so she jumped at the chance to play. "Giddy up!" She said with a giggle. Beyonce couldn't help but encourage her daughter at this time, she knew she should give her all the attention she can right now kuz once the new baby comes into the picture, Alexis will feel the need for a competition.

"What does the cowgirl say?" Beyonce asked her daughter. Alexis looked down at her father and smiled.

"Yee-Ha!" She yelled. Beyonce laughed and picked Alexis up before Shawn could throw her off. "No more playing?"

"No more. It's time for this cowgirl to take her nap."

Beyonce took Alexis upstairs and placed her in bed. She was teaching her daughter to be more independent, so she covered her and walked out of the room. Alexis seemed to have no problem with this new routine; she was even asking to have the hallway light turned off at night the last couple of days.

"Baby, the phone!" Shawn yelled from downstairs. Beyonce walked into their bedroom and picked up the house phone. She heard Shawn and Kelly laughing at something.

"You can hang up now." Beyonce stated. He huffed and she soon heard the 'click.'

"Girl! You are harder to get a hold of than the president!"

It was true; Beyonce didn't have time to get the phone in the past couple of days. Not because of work, but because of family, and the fact that they were expanding it. Alexis at this point could call herself a big sister, but it was too early to tell her. "Things have been crazy around here. How are you though?"

"Oh I'm good, but I heard from your mother, who heard from Solange, who heard from Angie that you were experiencing some problems with your household."

Both women laughed. Word always spread fast between the families. "No problems really, it's just one dream that has me and hubbs occupied." Kelly didn't need an explanation; she could tell what Beyonce was implying by the sound of her laughter.

"Aw, I'm gonna be an Auntie again!" Kelly squealed. Now that she told Kelly, she had to hurry up and tell everyone else before they get upset that they weren't the first to know. "Have you told Michelle?"

"Nah, I'm about to go tell everyone as soon as I hang up with you."

"I'm first to know, again? Aw! I feel so special." Beyonce rolled her eyes. Last time Kelly was the first to know, everyone became upset at her for rubbing it in their face. Hopefully she knew better this time around. "I'm gonna go take a little swim now, so I'll talk to you later. Tell my baby I miss her and I want her to come visit me soon."

"Alright Kelly, I love you, bye."

"Love you too. Bye." Beyonce hung up the phone and looked over at the clock. Now was as good a time as any to start calling people up. At least if she started now, she could finish by the time Alexis woke up, so it would be a lot easier.

"Damn Shawn and his stupid sperm." She mumbled grabbing her address book. In her eyes, she had nothing to do with the pregnancy. It was his fault she was gonna be stuck with a big belly once again, and it was his fault people were going to come over every day for the next year. It was his fault.


"Mommy, daddy wants you." Alexis said coming into the kitchen. She had on her favorite pair of pajamas and was dragging her blanket along the floor.

Beyonce picked the blanket up and then picked Alexis up. Shawn knew better than to have her walking around this late at night, she was supposed to be laying on the couch with him and watching her bedtime movie.

"Shawn Corey Carter."

Alexis quickly hid her head between Beyonce's neck. She knew her father was in trouble. All three names were used, that means the eyebrow was going to go up and the excuses were bound to start flying.

"I didn't do it." He explained without knowing why she was angry.

Beyonce sat down with Alexis and placed the blanket around her little body. "She's not supposed to be up at this time."

Shawn shrugged his shoulders and looked over at their daughter. She was already back into her half asleep/half awake mode from earlier. "She'll be fine."

"I think we should write down everything we're going to need for the new baby." She said as Alexis took her final blink of the night. For now, they were safe to communicate about the new child.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

As he left into the downstairs office, she placed Alexis at the end of the couch and made sure to put a pillow next to her to make sure there were no accidents. She'll rolled off plenty of times before, and sooner or later she won't be as heavy of a sleeper as she is now, and the rolling will begin to bother her. Shawn walked back over and placed everything they would need on the coffee table.

"Might as well start with the things we know we're not going to get at the baby shower but we will actually have to buy."

This exercise took about three hours, but they made a list that was almost complete. One thing was missing, they both felt it, but none knew exactly what it was. They had the essentials, but the idea of forgetting something was stuck in both of their minds.

"Hmm..." Beyonce lightly scratched her scalp in deep thought.

"Uh..." Shawn looked over the list again.

Immediately, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"The nursery!" They said laughing. Which room were they going to make the new nursery? They didn't think they would have more than one kid, so they never planned to leave an extra room in their house for a future child. Alexis had the room closest to them, and they didn't plan to move her down the hall until she reached her teenage years.

"Well we could turn the playroom into the nursery." Shawn said trying to think of the perfect solution. "Never mind, they're going to need that."

"We could have them share a room." Beyonce suggested. "It will let them be closer when they grow up."

"Nah, Alexis will eat the baby alive." They were stuck. Although they had rooms in their house, it was a matter of finding the perfect one. They can't pick any room; they needed one that had easy access from the master bedroom so the trips in the middle of the night won't be as difficult. "We could always move."

Ding ding ding. Shawn Carter to the rescue. They never discussed it, but maybe it was time to give up their first family home and start a new family in a new house. It made sense, but was it practical? With everything that was about to start happening, did it make sense to move?

"We would need to do it fast."

"Fast is my middle name." Before he could think of what he really said, Beyonce fell out laughing. He kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Uh huh, trust me; I know you're all about doing things fast." She replied with a smile. He was going to regret ever saying that.

"Seriously though, we need to get a real-estate agent."

She knew who they needed, the one that's perfect for the stars. He can get any celebrity the best deal possible and find them exactly what they are looking for. There was one problem. His name and history with their family.

His name was Kareem Robinson.

Vision of Love ("Back At One" Sequel) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now