Vision Twenty-Three

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May 4

"I wanna see daddy." Alexis said as everyone gathered around the hospital. Two gun shots to the chest, one in the arm, and two in the leg. Only a strong person can survive this with the amount of time he went without any medical assistance. Beyonce repeatedly thanked God for watching over him and keeping him alive.

"A little while longer and we'll all see daddy, okay?" Beyonce said looking down at her daughter. Alexis nodded and rested her head against Beyonce's chest. "Is anyone else hungry? I'm starving." Beyonce said looking around.

"Kuz you're eating for two. I'll go with you to get something." Michelle said standing up. Beyonce passed Alexis to Roy and went to the cafeteria with Michelle. "Well, these are nice choices." Michelle said with a smirk.

"Um, maybe we should try the vending machine down the hall." Beyonce said in disgust. They laughed and walked down to the vending machine, both searching for their crisp dollars. "I know I gotta get something for Alexis too."

"And Kelly is gonna want something as well." They pulled out their money and began to gather up whatever they felt they would need. When they returned to the lobby, everyone but the nurse was gone. "Excuse me." Michelle said getting her attention.

"Oh Mrs. Carter, you can go in and see him now, everyone else is already inside waiting for you two." They smiled politely and began to walk to his room. As they got closer and closer, Beyonce's hands began to get clammy. This was her husband in there, her best friend, and he was hurt.

"Don't be scared, come on." Michelle said guiding her to the room. They opened the door and stepped inside.

"Mommy!" Alexis screamed out. Everyone turned to look at Beyonce as she just smiled. "Look, he's awake." Alexis said pointing to Shawn. He had two tubes in his body and his expression was weak, but the important part was that he was alive.

Beyonce walked over to his bedside and ran her hand over his cheek. He didn't feel the same, he felt like someone else. There was no warm feeling being given out, his body wasn't reacting to her touch. "I'm glad you're okay." She said giving him a quick kiss. Once again, no normal reaction.

"The doctor said he's still trying to regain strength and he won't be up too much longer, so we're gonna go back into the waiting room and leave you guys alone." Roy said opening the door. Alexis reached her arms out as Kelly picked her up and they all walked outside. Beyonce took a seat by Shawn's bed and they just looked at each other.

"I love you." She took his hand in hers and just leaned her head down onto his arm. Within minutes they both went to sleep, feeling like strangers to one another.


May 7

"Grandma!" Alexis yelled as Gloria came through the door. She had seen her recently, but Alexis always loved showing enthusiasm when her grandparents came around. She always ended up getting presents.

"My grandbaby." Gloria said reaching down to pick her up. Once she was situated, she walked into the kitchen to see Beyonce reading a magazine and looking at her phone every once in a while. "Hey there." Beyonce quickly looked up and smiled.

"Hey mom." She gave Gloria a hug and a kiss and then took Alexis out of her arms. "Go get everything you need for the week." She said giving her a pat on the butt. Alexis ran upstairs to her room and let Gloria and Beyonce be alone.

"So how are you holding up?"

"I'm fine; I've been busy around here and at the office." She said going back to her magazine. "How about you?"

"Well, as long as he's alive then I'm fine."

"Yup." Beyonce responded. She turned the page and a picture of her and Shawn was plastered on it. She shook her head and turned the page quickly. "Sometimes I don't even see them when they take these pictures." She said with a laugh.

"Nobody does." Gloria said. "So what have the doctors said?"

"Nothing really, he's awake but still can't do anything. I tried talking to him and everything, but it's not working." She closed the magazine and thought back to three days ago when Shawn first woke up. The coldness of his skin and attitude bothered her. "He's not responding to me like he usually does."

"Baby you gotta give him time, his body isn't responding the way he wants it to. Don't worry though, it'll come around and he'll be back to normal." She said trying to reassure her. Beyonce just slightly nodded her head. "You remember the first time he brought you over to my house?"

"Yeah! Oh my God, that was horrible." She said with a laugh.

"I tried my hardest to get you to open up and not be so scared, but it didn't work. You were so shy and quiet."

"It was the first time someone other than my girls, Shawn, or my mom asked me about the dreams we had, so I was taken back by it." Beyonce said defending herself. Gloria laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You were being too dramatic." Beyonce stared at her in disbelief and then shook her head.

"I can't believe you said that! You're supposed to love me, remember?"

"Yes, I remember." Gloria said laughing. Just then Alexis came walking back into the kitchen while dragging her backpack on the floor.

"Pick it up." Beyonce said raising her eyebrow.

"It's heavy." Alexis said dropping it. Beyonce shook her head and walked over to Alexis. She picked both the backpack and her off the ground. "When do I leave?"

"Michelle should be here any minute now." Beyonce said.

"You gonna miss me?"

"Of course. My life is nothing without you."

"I'm gonna miss you too mommy." Alexis said wrapping her arms around Beyonce's neck. "Will daddy be home when I come back?" She asked resting her head on Beyonce's shoulder.

"Maybe. I'll make sure to call you if he comes home and you can come right away to see him, okay?"

"Okay." The doorbell rang and Alexis lifted her head up. "Bye grandma." She waved to Gloria as Beyonce carried her to the front door. She handed Michelle her backpack and then got Alexis situated in her car seat. "Bye mommy."

"Bye baby, be good for Michelle, okay?" Alexis nodded as Beyonce gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." Alexis said smiling. Beyonce closed the back door and looked at Michelle.

"Does she have everything?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, she should. I'll see you in a week."

"Alright, love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye." They gave each other a hug and Michelle got into the car as Beyonce stood by the front door, waving to them as they pulled off. Now her husband and daughter were out of the house. This was going to be interesting. Last time she was alone was before her and Shawn started dating.

It felt so awkward and so strange, what was she going to do now?

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