Vision Twenty-Seven

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November 11

"I'm pudgy." Beyonce said turning to her side and looking into the mirror. Shawn rolled his eyes from the bed and put a pillow over his head. "Baby! Why are you ignoring me? I feel fat." She said pouting.

"Beyonce, you've been doing this all day. Every time you pass a mirror you have to stop and turn sideways, why? You know you're gonna look the same each time you do it." He said keeping his head under the pillow. She shook her head and got into bed.

"I just feel like I look too big for six months. I look more like I'm a year pregnant." She said placing her hands on top of her stomach. Shawn removed the pillow and placed his hands on top as well.

"Tomorrow you can start a little healthier diet and I'm sure by the time you're in your eight month, you'll look normal." He reassured her.

"So you're saying I'm fat now? See, I knew it!" She whined. He rolled his eyes again.

"Turn around." She raised her eyebrow and he just waved her off. "Come on, turn around and face your back towards me." She did as she was told and turned on her side. "Alright, see what I'm doing?" He asked placing his arms around her.

"Yeah, hugging me." She said in confusion.

"Exactly, I can still put my arm around you. There's no way you're fat, this is all healthy, okay?" She nodded weakly. "Alright, now I don't want to see you frowning anymore every time you pass a mirror. There is nothing sexier than a pregnant woman, you hear me?"


"And from now on, when you see your reflection, I want you to be proud and to embrace what is happening inside of your stomach. You are nurturing a life in there, something that only the strongest women in the world can do. It's a blessing to be able to look like this."

"Yeah, you say that because you're not the one getting stretch marks. My hormones are going crazy and I can never find something to wear. So until you grow a vagina and experience being pregnant, I don't have to and I won't listen to you." She shot back. Shawn removed his arm from around her and turned over.

"All I'm saying is, you're making this a big deal when it doesn't have to be." He mumbled. "Shit I wish you never got pregnant in the first place. If I knew you would react like this, I would have made you keep your pants on."

"Excuse me?" Immediately he wished he could take back everything that came out of his mouth. This was not the time to say something like that. Usually she would laugh, but she herself said her hormones were crazy.

"It was a joke." He said turning to look at her. She shook her head and got out of bed. "Where are you going?" He asked as she grabbed a pillow.

"Nowhere, it's you who is getting out." She threw the pillow and a blanket at him and went towards the door. "Hope you have a fun night wherever you decide to sleep." He shook his head and walked out.

"Beyonce..." Before he could plead his case, the door slammed in his face, leaving them on opposite sides of it. Shawn wanted to go to the guest room and sleep, he had to be at work early in the morning anyways, but he knew he couldn't. She was mad, but she still needed him during the night, so he sat down in front of the door and rested his back against it. "You know I didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to lighten the mood like always. I understand that it didn't go too well this time, but you have to take your own hormones into consideration here. If you weren't THIS pregnant, you would have laughed at it."

"Nu uh." Beyonce responded from the other side. He knew she never left the door. "How could you wish I was never pregnant? How could you do that?"

"It was a joke!" He said putting his hands over his head. "I wanted you to laugh and to realize how much you were overreacting over something you should be happy about."

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