Vision Eighteen

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April 10

"Mommy, he took my brush." Alexis said walking onto the front of the boat. Beyonce pulled down her sunglasses and put her magazine down. "Mommy!" Alexis said getting even more frustrated at her slow movement.

"Sit down." She took a seat next to Beyonce and pouted. "Alright now keep sitting here and you'll see that your brush will come back to you." She said going back to her tan and magazine. Alexis looked at her mother and raised her eyebrow. This wasn't like her. Usually she'd be up and ready to fight Shawn for taking anything that wasn't his. What was wrong with her?

"You must be broken." Alexis said shaking her head. Beyonce looked down at her with a smile.

"I'm on vacation."

That was her answer for most of the remarks and questions that were thrown her way recently. She didn't want to act like a person with responsibilities, this was her time to relax and let nature sooth her soul.

"The baby broke you. Stupid baby." Alexis said standing up and walking away. Beyonce looked in her direction and saw Alexis putting a switch in her walk while she kept her hands on her hips.

"That's my baby." She said with pride. Shawn came from the side and took a seat next to Beyonce.

"Huh?" She quickly jumped forward and held her chest.

"You scared me so bad!" She hollered. He just laughed and sat back against the cushions. "And what are you doing here? You gotta go watch her." Beyonce said pointing in their daughter's direction.

"She can watch herself." Shawn said opening her bottle of water and drinking it.

"Vacation my ass." Beyonce said throwing the magazine at him and standing up. She walked away with the same switch that Alexis had earlier. Shawn looked in her direction and smiled.

"That's my baby." He said with a laugh.


"And then..."

"Alexis please stop. I'm begging you, don't talk anymore." Shawn said covering his ears. Alexis just rolled her eyes the best she could and went back to her phone conversation.

"And then mommy put the bucket on daddy's head." She continued. Shawn took the closest pillow and placed it over his face. Alexis could hear him mumbling into it, but she continued to smile and listen to the person on the other end of the phone. "Uh huh. Okay, bye." She hung up the phone and looked at her father. "Daaaaaaddy!" She sang.

"What do you want?"

"To play." She said holding up her doll. He groaned as she placed the doll in his lap and placed a blanket over it. "You be the mommy this time." She said taking out one of Beyonce's old lipsticks. She gave them to Alexis for one purpose, and this was it. "Smile." Shawn did as he was told and Alexis began to put the lipstick on his lips.

"Doesn't he look adorable?" Beyonce said coming up behind Shawn. He couldn't turn his head at the moment, but she knew he was rolling his eyes. "Make sure you put some on his cheeks too, you gotta make them pop."

"Whoa, that's where I draw the line." He said taking the lipstick from Alexis and putting it into his pocket. Before she could protest, he replaced the doll in his lap with her and began to tickle her. "I think it's time we put someone to bed."

"No! Not yet daddy, please! I wanna stay up with you and mommy." She said through her laughs. Shawn looked at Beyonce for permission and she nodded.

"Fine, but only for tonight. Go get your pillow and blanket and go to our room." He placed her on the ground and patted her butt as she ran to get her things. Beyonce and Shawn walked to their room and pulled the bed spread back. "If she kicks me in the middle of the night, I am throwing her into that water." He said with a laugh. Beyonce shook her head.

"I would kill you if you even tried. Plus it's not like we're going to be sleeping all night. We have to end this vacation the same way we started it, so once she knocks out, we're gonna have our own little role playing fun." She said with a seductive smile. Before Shawn could respond, Alexis came walking in with her blanket and pillow in her hands. "Hop in little mama." Beyonce said laughing at Shawn's expression. Once they were all ready and settled in, Alexis laid her head on her mother's chest and Beyonce began to play with her hair.

"Mommy, how did you and daddy become my parents?" She asked in a whisper.

"You meet how we met?" Alexis nodded slowly and Beyonce smiled. "Well that's a very long story."

"I have time." Alexis said with a yawn. Beyonce and Shawn both laughed at her persistency to get an answer.

"Alright, well we met at a restaurant. Your daddy couldn't stop looking at me the whole time."

"That's a lie. Alexis, don't listen to her. The truth is, she couldn't stop looking at me. Check it out, I was wearing this jacket that I knew was going to drive the ladies wild. It made me look sexy!"

"Ha!" Beyonce said rolling her eyes. Shawn just waved her off and closed his eyes to continue his story.

"And when her eyes met mine, she was so taken over by love that she just had to talk to me. She invited me to her place not too long after that, I guess you could say she was fast." Beyonce shook her head at his remark.

"I was fast? You were trying to get me to sleep with you the first time you came over. And then you gave me your jacket just so you could have an excuse to come back."

"That was an excuse to come back? Bull! You didn't want to give it back, hell you still haven't given it back to this day! You always wear it when you're cold around the house!"

"Well you don't want it anymore anyways! I'm not gonna let a perfectly good jacket go to waste just because you want to be a sissy about it and not wear it."

"I don't want to wear it because it smells like a girl jacket! You put all that stuff in your damn laundry that by the time I wanted it back, it smelled like a damn flower shop. I ain't no girl."

"Yeah well the lipstick on your cheeks and mouth don't help you much there." She said rolling her eyes. Shawn just laughed and wiped it off the best he could. Beyonce looked down at Alexis and saw she was already in a deep sleep. "How long you think she's been out for?"

"Probably since this started." Shawn replied. Beyonce nodded and slowly placed Alexis down on the bed as Shawn took his own blanket and pillow outside onto the front of the boat. Beyonce soon followed.

Vacation well earned. Vacation well spent. Vacation well remembered?

Vision of Love ("Back At One" Sequel) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now