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Tianya Library
Chapter 42

Turn off the lights, small, medium, large, and complicated, and go to the bottom

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This memorable atmosphere of tranquility ended with a shout from the doctor Cheng-"The blood is still flowing...!"

The two guards restrained his people but did not restrain his mouth. As an honest doctor, he really couldn't watch the wounded vomit blood in front of his eyes, while he stared blankly.

Shao Shang came to his senses, glanced sideways at the bleeding wound on Ling Buxuan's shoulder and back, took a step forward and said displeased: "The arrows are broken, you are still dawdling there, and you haven't come up yet. Healing?! The parents of the doctor, why aren't you in a hurry?"

As soon as these words came out, the doctor Cheng was grieved and wished he could not raise his head to the sky and howl! But before he could make a sound, the two guards beside him moved a little to the left and right, and now he couldn't even speak.

--Yes, from the girl's point of view, you can't really see the doctor's left arm being held behind her back.

Liang Qiufei wanted to laugh, but was pulled hard by his brother beside him, and the boy quickly turned his face up.

Li Wulang couldn't stand it any longer, so he turned his head and stared at the door; Li Taigong smacked his lips a few times, and found that his beloved beard had been touched off a few times, so he had to let go of his hands and sit on the ponytail.

Doctor Cheng silently stepped forward to perform his duties, and when Shao Shang saw this, he took a step back, wanting to go back to the next seat to sit, and when he turned around, he saw that Maza, who was in his original position, was brought up at some point, so he placed it on top of Ling Wuxuan. The right side of the main seat is slightly lower.

The scarred guard smiled very kindly: "Young lady, sit down first."

Shaoshang was stunned for a moment, then sat down woodenly.

She recalled that at Cheng's house, as long as Cheng's mother wasn't there, when Dad Cheng was sitting in the Jiuyu Hall to meet the guests for the first time, Xiao's seat was in this position. So, does this mean paying homage to the landlord? But this house belongs to Taigong Li, although she arranged it. Is that because the Cheng family's status is higher than the Li family...

While she was ignorant, she suddenly smelled a strong aroma of wine, and she looked intently at the doctor Cheng who was using the whole jar of freshly opened spirits to wash Ling's wounds repeatedly.

Taigong Li raised his nose and commented with a smile: "This is a good wine of the past ten years!"

Liang Qiufei showed a slightly smug look: "My old man has good eyesight. This is an old wine found in the warehouse of the Chen Palace, and I don't know how long it has been hidden. It was given by His Majesty at the beginning of the new year, and I was planning to drink it at the celebration banquet."

Shaoshang also took a breath, thinking that this wine is really strong but not overpowering, with a mellow fragrance. She wanted to say, I can purify high-concentration alcohol for you, don't waste such a good wine, why don't you give it to my father Cheng.

Of course you can't say that. Someone saved your life, and you haven't even paid the interest, and you still want to covet someone's wine? !

Ling Budo glanced sideways at the girl, and then looked at the bundle of brocade handkerchiefs in his hands - just after he pulled out the broken arrow, the girl handed back the jinpa handkerchiefs, and then put the neck rope back in her hands. Although she is young, she has a clear mind and doesn't mean to be tied down.

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