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Tianya Library
Chapter 44

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After a few days of rest, the emperor's decree arrived on the fourth day.

First, the Chinese word praised the old Cheng county magistrate, "Broad and righteous, with the people and the people, the name will be given to the future generations, and the world's worthy doctors will also compete for the title." : Posthumously seal the magistrate of Laocheng as a second-class Guanneihou, and after his eldest grandson is crowned, he will be awarded a rank of 600 shi, and he will be given 10,000 yuan of money.

Seeing that her niece was half-understood, Sang hurriedly explained in her ear: When the grandson of Old Master Cheng is an adult, he can automatically obtain an official position at the level of the 600-stone official rank. As for whether it is an important job or an idle job, it depends on the child's own ability - this is already a very generous reward.

Shaoshang let out a sullen sigh, thinking that this emperor is still good. If it wasn't for the emperor's kindness and soft-heartedness, he didn't take the time to deal with the rebels, how could Huaxian and Chengfu encounter this bloody catastrophe!

Sang's elder brother, Sang Yu, accompanied Sang's decree. Mr. Cheng led his two grandchildren to bow down to thank the emperor, and then asked Cheng Zhi and his wife to accompany Sang Yu to the side hall to speak. Coupled with the young merchant, the four of them sat around the charcoal basin. Because it was not easy to eat and drink beside the old Cheng county magistrate's mourning hall, Cheng Zhi could only serve a bowl of hot honey syrup to his wife and brother.

The brothers and sisters of the Sang family are very similar, they all look like passers-by, but Sang Yu has been an apprentice for many years, and he has a lot of poetry and books on his body. Holding the cup, he didn't drink, and first asked about his sister's injury.

Sang Shi said with a smile: "Eating well and sleeping well these days, and changing the medicine every day, it's much better. It's all skin and flesh wounds, but no bones or muscles."

Sang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and brought a second piece of news to everyone, saying that the emperor ordered Cheng Zhi to temporarily act as the magistrate of Hua County to appease the people and eliminate disasters in the village; it is estimated that the edict will arrive tomorrow.

Shao Shang secretly scolded his uncle for his good luck, and politely asked, "Master Sang, why didn't you send this edict together today?" This journey ended with the couple entertaining famous scholars and scholars. two sentences.

Sang Yu had learned from the letter from his family that his sister loved Cheng's family's daughter very much. At this time, seeing the girl's eyes were bright and bright, and he thought that after her sister's injury, thanks to her little girl's careful care, she was very close to her heart, so she smiled and said. : "Your Majesty is merciful, for fear that the old county magistrate's family will be hurt by the situation, he will send an order one or two days later."

Shaoshang was speechless, she never thought that the Supreme Emperor would have such a kind and considerate temperament.

Seeing her dazed appearance, Mrs Sang smiled and said to her brother, "She, she complained to me a few days ago that His Majesty was not ruthless enough. Wouldn't there have been nothing to do except Fan Chang earlier?"

Shao Shang gave a startled "Oops" and scratched Sang Shi's waist in dissatisfaction, and Sang Shi backhandedly scratched her little nose.

Sang Yu shook his head and sighed: "There are probably not a few people who think like this now, but how does the world know the difficulty of Your Majesty. That Fan Ni has a lot of merit in following the dragon, and there is nothing else besides his temper. Before showing up, I just took him down on the basis of rumors...this, this..." He stroked the five strands of the scribe's beard under his chin, and said, "Besides, we have always shared weal and woe, and we have always been in trouble. Back then, Emperor Gaozu killed a lot of people. Hero, now it is said outside that His Majesty will also follow suit, which has not avoided the instability of the heart...cough..."

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