4. Hails' Cove.

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His throat stung. His lungs were flushed with water as it burned. It felt as if he were drowning at the bottom of the ocean with no one to save him as he listened to the muffled, low voice in the background call his name.


The brunette slowly parted his eyes in the slightest- a bit to where you would think that they were still fully closed. His eyelids felt heavy as he struggled to keep them open, feeling like all the energy was sucked out of him and he was left for dead.

However, above him he noticed a glowing, white light.

Where was he?

Everywhere hurt, he couldn't move a single muscle. He felt as if a magnificent force was holding him down as the sun was inches away from his body, yet he still felt cold.


Was he.. in heaven, or was this all just a dream?

George could've sworn that he felt his body being lifted upwards as the light slowly started to fade away into the darkness that he grew sick of.

"George!" The blonde yelled for the seventh time as he shook the unconscious boy violently.

Finally but suddenly, the brunette shot up, coughing uncontrollably as water spilt from his mouth, the green eyed one rubbing his back from behind.

"Are you okay?" Dream asked, confusion in his features.

George looked up at the mask and nodded slightly, not too sure himself as his coughs turned into light puffs for air.

"W-what happened?" The brunette asked, looking down at himself as his clothing, as well as his armor, was soaked.

The blonde, who was crouching, sat down next to him, a few inches away as he began to explain while he allowed his hand to fall back to his side.

"We were running from the spiders. I told you to jump off the cliff- there was an ocean of water at the bottom," the blonde said as he pointed to the front of them where indeed lied a dark ocean of dark, but clear, water.

"I took the fall okay, but you hit the water too hard and you passed out. Could've been from the lack of hydration and food- sleep, energy and what not. Also because of the pressure and stress- it happens."

The brunette hummed faintly, taking in the information.

He let his eyes travel the new cave they found themselves in.

It looked as if they were in a deep, rock hole as you could see the sky from way up above- that explains the light the brit had seen.

Again, at the bottom, was a perfect pool of clean, deep blue water, which was calm and steady. No creatures were spotted in it- thank God.

The liquid shimmered in the sunlight which illuminated on the cave's wall- it was beautiful.

"Hails' Cove," the brunette murmured out as he cracked a faint, weary smile.

Dream, who had been looking at his reflection on the wall, turned back to the brunette.


George turned around to face him. "Hails' Cove. Have you never heard of it before?" He asked, to which the blonde shook his head 'no' to.

"This was the place the Hail family died in- well atleast most of them. The family was hunted for six years before they finally surrendered in this exact cave- they made a decision that if they were to die, it would be in here- the place they considered home. Legend has it that their souls still seek around, protecting this place at all costs. I don't know if that's what actually happened though. But people didn't shut up about it for months." The mocha colored eyed boy explained.

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