57. Handcuffs.

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"Seriously?" George stated, though a glint of excitement flickered in his eyes. Dream chuckled deeply from above him as he caressed his thighs. The brunette scoffed once more, tugging on the handcuffs that were attached to the bed which Dream had managed to put onto him without him noticing. "Where did you even get this?" George questioned, followed by a sigh as he gave up on trying to get out; having an eagered feeling bubble up in his stomach.

"Doesn't matter," the blonde muttered, leaning down to place delicate kisses on the insides of the hunter's thighs. George inhaled sharply, tilting his head down to look at the blonde leave marks on his pale skin. Dream kissed the flesh carefully and slowly, taking his time as the brunette became unraveled beneath him. The hunter squirmed around; the blonde kissing near exactly where he wanted him. Dream stopped his movements, his green eyes dark with anger and lust as he pushed George's hips down against the mattress. "Stop moving around so much, George," he ordered in a stern voice. The brunette parted his lips, his cheeks flushing a dark red before slowly nodding, gulping in the process.

Dream watched him for a moment before resuming to what he was doing. He watched George carefully; the knight's fingers gripping the rims of the cuffs every now and then as he tried to prevent himself from disobeying the blonde's command. But, George's body reluctantly betrayed him as he cocked his hips up, trying to create friction between them. "George," Dream stated, gripping his hips hard enough to leave bruises. "Relax, love. Let me take care of you, yeah?" George looked at Dream through lidded eyes, his pupils big with need. "Dream, please, please just hurry up," the brunette said, slurring on his words.

The blonde chuckled, playing with the hem of the boy's cargo pants. "Can I take this off?" He questioned, receiving a whimper in return. "Safe word is blue," he cooed before tugging the shorter's pants down, then his boxers. George inhaled at the coldness that flushed against his exposed skin; his shirt ridden up, revealing his lower abdomen. Dream hummed under his breath before pressing his lips against George's low stomach, leaving a trail of saliva as he moved his tongue. After doing this for some time, receiving shaky inhales and small whimpers from the shorter, he sat up, reconnecting his lips to the boy's once more.

George pulled on the cuffs when Dream bit down harshly on his lower lip, causing him to open his mouth and for the blonde to smoothly slip his tongue in. Their tongues danced together in sync, the sea green eyed boy swiping his tongue across the length of the brunette's teeth. George moaned into the kiss, causing Dream to squeeze his hips in anticipation. After what seemed like hours, which in reality were a few, long minutes, they finally broke the kiss for air, and the blonde almost choked on his own spit as he peered down at the gorgeous boy laying underneath him. "So beautiful," the taller muttered, "and all for me." The hunter audibly moaned at the words, and Dream could feel his self control wary thin with each passing second.

"I know you're holding back, Dream," George slyly said while he bucked his hips up, a sudden string of confidence welling up in his chest. Dream let out a frustrated grunt, holding the brunette in place as he glared at the shorter. "but I'm not fragile." The sentence caused a low chuckle to fall from the criminal's plumped lips, and he purposely drove the tips of his fingernails into the boy's waist as he retorted with, "Oh, trust me, after last time, George, I know." Whatever courage George had gained slipped away just as fast as it came, and he found himself feeling vulnerable and naked under the top. "Not so confident anymore now, are you?" Dream teased, prying the boy's mouth open with his fingers as his saliva dripped out. George whimpered, slowly wrapping his tongue around them, all while he stared into the blonde's dark, fierce eyes.

Dream poked his cheek with his tongue, his boxers feeling uncomfortable with the growing tightness as he harshly gripped the shorter's jaw, causing him to let out a small wince. "You're pathetic, you know that? Pathetic little slut," the blonde stated and George couldn't help but allow a familiar heat to crawl up his already flushed and sticky cheeks. "Oh? You like that, don't you?" Dream scoffed, his hands tightening around the boy. "You like being called a slut? My slut?" George let out another small moan; the sea green eyed boy's words having an obvious effect on him. "Yours and yours alone," the mocha coloured eyed boy said in response, his voice slightly muffled as the blonde's fingers were still in his mouth, and he knew that was the last string for Dream.

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