Marriage? Part 1

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Author's POV : It's 7 in Morning and Yn is sleeping peacefully without any worries but little she didn't know that her peaceful sleep is going to be ruined by her savage brother🙂

Yoongi : MIN YNNNNNN!!!!!! (Yoongi shouted while throwing pillows on her)
Get up you lazy girl ( He continued throwing pillow on her face)🥲

Yn's Pov : I was sleeping peacefully until my Savage brother comes in my room and wake me up by showering pillows on face😭🥲 I halted and got up.

Yn : What is it Oppa? Can't you see i am sleeping ?

Yoongi : Yah! Have seen the time? It's 7 in the morning. Don't you have to go to office?

Author's POV:
Yn work in different company. She is independent girl. She doesn't want to work in her dad's company. (If she'd join her father's company other's will think that she had got this job because it's her father's company) and she does not want that. So she works in different company.

Yn : What?? It's 7am ? Oh my God I have to quickly freshen up
Can't you wake me up little bit early? ( By making Annoyed face)😑

Yoongi : Woah!! Daebak!! (By clapping both the hands like a round of applause 👏) You lazy girl i came here and wake you up instead of thanking me you are telling me that I should have wake you up early? (Aishh.. This girl)

Yn : Ok ok thanks

Yoongi : Come fast you lazy pumpkin Eomma and Appa are waiting for you for the Breakfast

Yn : Arraseo Oppa

Author' s PoV : Yn got up and freshen up by doing her morning routine and got ready in her office attire while heading downstairs for breakfast whereas her parents and brother are waiting for her on Dining Table.

Yn : Good Morning Eomma , Good Morning Appa, Good Morning Oppa (With her sweet and smiley face)

Mr and Mrs. Min : Good Morning Yn.

Yn : Oppa will you not wish me good morning?

Yoongi :No.I will not😏

Yn : Wae?? (Why?)

Yoongi : Because i don't want to (Suga being savage as always)😏

Yn : Ok then don't😏 Who is dying for your good morning

Author's POV:
(Yn is innocent , Mature and Straight forward girl but savage sometimes like her brother don't mind) (But she is savage only in front of her family or in front of her comfort peoples)

Yoongi : Yah! You - (Yoongi was saying something but got cut of by their Appa)

Mr. Min : Stop you both and let's have our Breakfast.
Yoongi do your Breakfast quickly we have to reach quickly to office.

Author's POV : They all were doing there Breakfast until-
Yn's Parents nod their head signalizing as they want to ask Yn something

Yn' Eomma : Yn do you have any Boyfriend?

Yn's POV : We were eating our Breakfast as I was in my thoughts of reaching quickly to my office and completing my work suddenly Eomma spoke : Yn do you have any Boyfriend?
I was suddenly surprise by her question but I quickly responded:

Yn : Aniyo(No) Eomma. But why are you asking suddenly?

Yn's Eomma : Because we are thinking of your Marriage.

Yoongi : WHAT!!??😶

Author's POV:
As soon she heard her Eomma Yn choke on her food while yoongi was patting her back and was giving her water to drink.
Gulping down the water she spoke:

Yn: What?? Are you serious? ( She was asking by looking her parents)

Yn's Appa : Yes Dear. As you are in the age of marraige.

Yn : If that's the case then Oppa should be the first to be married (She spoke while pouting)

Yoongi : Yah!! Why are you dragging me in all this?. I don't want to get married now i just want to focus on our company.

Yn' Appa : I want my daughter to get married first so I can rest assured ahead.

Yn's Eomma : Yes yn. And as parents of a daughter every parents are worried. Whether she will get a Good husband? Good in - laws?, Good home? ( She said in worried and tense face).
So all we want is good for you yn.

Author's POV :
Yn is mature girl. She understands her parents very well. She knows what they are doing is because they are concern for her and they care for her a lot.
And it is for her own good.
Yn smile and spoke:

Yn : I know Eomma. I understand you both very well and i know what you are doing is for my own good and I am ready for it. ( She assures them with a smile)

Yn' Parents : Really? (With shocked expressions)

Yn : Yes Eomma. Yes Appa. (She smiles)

Yn's Eomma : Oh that's so sweet of you sweetie.

Yn's Appa : Thankyou Princess. Thankyou for understanding us. ( He said while patting her head).
So I am looking a guy for you. He is my friend's son. He is well education and he is now taking care of his father's business. I have met him. I know their family there are very good peoples.
As they were also asking me about you for their son's marriage. As they saw you with us in one of the parties.
They found you very sweet.(Yn's Appa said while caressing her hair).

Yn: Yn didn't said anything just blush at the moment.

Yn's Appa : And I believe you both will get along with each other very well.
So we will arrange a short gathering today to discuss in evening, ok?

Yn smile and nod at her father's statement.

Yn's Eomma: Yn come early today from your work as we want to meet them, Ok?

Yn : Arraseo Eomma. Now I have to go I am getting late. Bye!! (She said and kiss her Eomma's and Appa's cheek and bid bye to them).

Author's POV: Yn came to office and she started doing her work while doing her work her best friend Hyeri approach her.

Hyeri : Hey yn!! (She said while patting her shoulder) what's up?

Yn : Hey Hyeri~ah!!. Nothing just completing my work as I want to go home early today.

Hyeri : Wae?? (Why?)

Yn : For my marraige.

Hyeri : Oh marraige.... Wait....WHAT!!??😶(She get shocked by hearing yn)

Yn : (laughs) yes pabo. My marraige. And we all are going to meet their family today at evening.

Hyeri : Yn are you sure about your Marriage? (She asked while being concerned)

Yn : Oh my chingu~ya(She said while side hugging her) You care about me a lot.

Hyeri : Ofcourse you stupid girl.

Yn : Yah!! You- (She get cutted off by hyeri)

Hyeri : Just tell me are you sure about the marraige or not?

Yn : Yes!! I am very sure. (She said while smiling) I trust Eomma and Appa they always had chosen the best for me.

Hyeri : Ok then. If you are happy then it doesn't matter.(She said while pinching her cheeks).

Yn : Ok now let's do our work.

Hyeri : Yes.

To be continued....

Long chapter right? Hang on there!!
On the next chapter you will get see Tae!!
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