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Yn's Pov :
We are done eating our dinner. I am constantly looking outside the window. It's raining but the thunderstorms and lightening are scaring me. I have Astraphobia but what made me sigh in relief is that Eomma, Appa and soobin reached at uncle home safely.

Author's POV :
Taehyung was working in laptop. He was looking at yn who is looking at window continously. He sense some difference in yn's behavior as was looking like scared.

Taehyung : Yn? You good?

Yn : y-yes.(She said being nervous)

Taehyung : okay. (He said but he know that something is off)

**************Time skip*************

They went to bed. Taehyung went asleep his back was facing yn. Yn was not able to sleep because of thunderstorms and lightening. She was sweating in fear.
Suddenly a loud thunderstorms came and she flinched. Tears starting to form in her eyes. She want someone to comfort her and take her in embrace.
Now the thunderstorms started more louder. She started sobbing.

Yn : Should I wake him up? ..what if he'll not like me waking him up from his deep sleep.(She was thinking in her mind but the tears were not stopping from her eyes)

A loud thunder came. Her sobbing started being louder. She covered her both ears not wanting to listen to thunderstorms. Taehyung heard some noises and he turned around to look. What he saw he became hella shocked and he asked her-

Taehyung : Yn..yn? (He called her worriedly but she was so much in to crying and scared that she didn't heard Taehyung)
Yn...honey..(He shake her lightly)

Yn : Taehyungshi..(She called his name looking up at him with her red puffy eyes and red nose)

Taehyung : Yes ..honey. What happened? Why are you crying? (He asked cupping her face)

Suddenly one loud thunder came she flinched and hugged him tightly. He was bit stunned by her sudden action but without wasting a sec he quickly took yn in his embrace and rub her back to calm her down and carress her hair softly.

Yn : Tae Taehyungshi..tha-that ...I am v-very scared of thunderstorms and l-lightning.(She was shivering and sobbing, tears was falling out from her eyes continously)

Taehyung : Shh..shh ...yn ..calm down.
Look at me yn....honey look at me I am here.(He said softly rubbing her back to calm her down which cause her to look at him with her teary eyes)

Taehyung : Don't be afraid honey.. I am right beside you. You don't have to fear okay? (He said softly continuing caressing her hairs softly)
You are my brave wife are the bravest women I've ever seen sweetheart. (He said and kissed her forehead)

Author's POV :
Yn was in Taehyung's embrace he was whispering sweet words in Yn's ear softly and caressing her hair after sometime yn calm down and she stopped crying.

Yn : S-sorry Taehyungshi. I d-disturbed your s-sleep(She said sniffing).

Taehyung : What are you saying yn(He said worriedly)
The most thing important to me is you honey.(He said cupping her face)

Yn : I-I have A-Astraphobia from my c-childhood. I am always scared of t-thunderstorms and l-lightening-g.
Before o-our m-marraige E-Eomma, Appa a-and Oppa a-always had always take c-care of that w-whenever t-there is t-thundering and l-lightening they n-never l-eave me a-alone.(She said sniffingly)

Taehyung 's Pov :
She was really scared. My heart clenched seeing her teary red puffy eyes, red nose, shivering , sniffing and sobbing. Guilt rushed through my body that I was not with her when she was scared. She was facing alone.

Taehyung : I am sorry yn. I was not there with you at first.(He said guilt was in his eyes)

Yn calm down and said-

Yn : Taehyungshi. You were there with me when I need you the most.(Wiping her tears she said)
And don't you dare to be sorry because at the first moment you didn't know that I have Astraphobia. And second you were sleeping and you had no idea that I was scared of thunders. I should thank you that you were there with me to comfort me.(She said smilingly)

Taehyung : I promise you honey that I will with you whenever you need me and I will never let you face this fear alone. I will always take you in my embrace whenever you need me.(He said cupping her face and then kissed her forehead)

Yn : Thankyou Taehyungshi for being with me.

Taehyung : You don't have to be sweetheart. (He said making her blush)

Yn : Now let's sleep.

Taehyung : Hmm. Goodnight.

Yn : Taehyungshi?

Taehyung : Hm?

Yn : Uh.. um..C-can we s-sleep like the w-way we were sleeping s-ometime b-before(She was stuttering and mentally face palming herself for stuttering in front of him)

Taehyung chuckled the way she was saying him to hug her and sleep and at the time he love the way they are getting closer to each other like normal husband and wife.

Taehyung : Ofcourse honey. (He said)
His one hand under her head and the other one wrapping her waist he pulled her in his embrace making her small hands resting on his chest. As for yn it's the safest place on the earth her heart was beating so fast she feels like butterflies in her stomach)

Author's POV :
Taehyung slept but yn was in her own thinking :

Yn 's pov :
Why is he so sweet? He really cares for me a lot. The way he was saying those sweet words to me when I was scared. Those sweet words, those forehead kisses..Aah he is too sweet. He is cold sometimes but not with me. He always had taken care of me. The way he took me in his embrace, the way he was caressing my her whispering those sweet words and now this.

Author's POV :
She was thinking in her mind then look up at taehyung who was in his deep sleep and then again going in his embrace she thinks-

Yn's Pov : It feels so good here.(She thinked and snuggle more in his embrace). It feels like the safest place in the world. I want to be here forever..oh my God.. what is happening to you ..yn?
Are you in love? Is this feels like when you love someone? You want to be with them, you always want to be with them in any situation. You feel safe around them ,you trust them, you accept them in any form. You love when they care for you respect you, respect your decision. (She thinks in her mind)
And yes. Taehyung had always done that. He always respect me, respect my every decision, he had always taken care of me, he always take care that in any way I don't feel uncomfortable around him or because of him. He had always given me my own time, my own space and privacy. Even though he express less but he is family man who always take care of his family. (She thinks and smiled)
And the way today you took care of me I think I love you ...I love you Taehyungshi. I don't have to think and I don't need to think. Yes I am in love with you. ..God..yes ..yes I love you Taehyungshi..I love you..(She was dancing in her mind, her mind, her heart is jumping like crazy)
Shh...she.. Okay yn..calm down pabo(She was thinking and talking to her heart and mind).Just go to sleep yn.
(She thinked her mind snuggling more in his embrace and fall asleep)

To be continued.....

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