In his office?

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Yn' Pov : Taehyung and Appa went to office. I was done with washing dishes and was doing other house chores.

*************Time skip**********

Author's POV :
Yn came downstairs to prepare lunch and soon Mrs.Kim also came there to help yn. They were preparing lunch while having chat.

Mrs Kim : Yn should go and visit to Taehyung 's office. You will get to know the office and give him the lunch too and also by this you can spend some time with him too.

Yn : Uh.. okay eomma(She said while blushing and looking down a little)

Mrs Kim : are shy, aren't you?(She said chuckling a little). Come on go now and get ready, okay?

Yn : Nae Eomma.(She said and they both made the lunch)

Author's POV :
Yn got ready to go and visit taehyung's office. Yn was excited to meet him. As it's her first time to visit his office and she was more excited as it was surprise for him that yn will be visiting him to give him lunch.

Yn's Pov : I got ready. I hope I am looking good. Oh God I am so nervous.
Let's go or you will be late yn.(I said to myself).

Yn's Pov : I took a taxi and arrived at taehyung 's office

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Yn's Pov :
I took a taxi and arrived at taehyung 's office. Suddenly I heard some staffs are whispering with each other about me. I think they know me.
But how come they know me? Then I realized some of the staff was invited in our wedding.
They were bowing me and greeting me.
I do the same. Suddenly someone tap on my shoulder and that was non another then jimin.(Eye smiling guy)

Jimin : Hey yn!! What a surprise.

Yn : Hello jimin~shi.(I said bowing to him) I came here to give lunch to appa and taehyungshi.(She said smiling to him)

Jimin : No yn don't have to bow. Don't be so formal to me. We are like friends. Come now, I will take you to Uncle's cabin. (He said and they both headed towards Mr Kim office).

They entered in Mr Kim's office :

Mr Kim : Yn? You here?

Yn : Nae Appa. I came here to give you this lunch.(She said smiling and showing the lunch box on which Mr Kim slightly laugh)

Mr Kim : Aigoo...aigoo yn. You are such a sweet girl. It's not even complete one day you came and you are taking so much care of us.(He said standing up from his place and coming towards yn and patted her head on which she smile and jimin smiled looking them)
Did you meet taehyung?(Mr Kim asked on which jimin spoke-

Jimin : No uncle. I took yn here first i"ll show her taehyung 's cabin.(He said on which Mr Kim nod and they were about to leave the cabin , yn spoke-

Yn : Appa....Eat quickly or it will get cold.

Mr Kim : Okay....princess.(He said on which she smiled)

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