Jealous wife

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Yn's Pov  :
I am almost done completing my work today and of thinking to surprise Taehyung by visiting him near his office and then we'll go home together.

(Meanwhile here)

Taehyung : Jungkook have you taken the sign of Mr.Choi on those important papers I told you before?

Jungkook : Yes hyung. I've already done it.

Taehyung  : Good. I am done with the work. Take this file- (His sentence got cutted off because of his phone rang)
He smiled by looking the caller ID.

Yn : Hie Taehyungshi..uh..are you done with your work?

Taehyung  : Yes. You need some help? Or do you want something?

Yn : am waiting for you down here near your office. (She spoke in low tone but it didn't go unheard by him)

Taehyung  : WHAT?? (He spoke in shocked and surprised tone which made jungkook flinch but  Taehyung was internally screaming in happiness that his wife came to pick him up for home)
I am coming love..Just wait for 2 minutes.  (He spoke sweetly as she goes blush by the nickname he gave her)

Jungkook : What happen hyung? Is everything alright? Why did you shout?
(He spoke in concerned tone)

[Author  : My poor innocent kookie😭😭

Taehyung  : My dear Author he is not poor and innocent Author. Don't you know, once he spoke in live (Do you want to come to see my cat?)

Author  : Ahh..okay..okay. Bye!!]

Taehyung : Nothing. Yn came to pick me up.

Jungkook : But didn't you have car? And as per as I know she don't know how to drive. (He spoke in confusion)

Taehyung  : pabo. She came to meet me and we'll go home together from here. In that way she came to pick me. (He spoke and smile sweetly in his thoughts)

Jungkook : Oh god hyung!! You are smiling? Let me take a photo cause it's very rare. (He laugh and spoke but soon stop by earning a cold glare by taehyung)

Taehyung  : Shut up!! I am going now!! I don't have time to argue with you. (He said and goes to meet yn)

Author's POV  :
Yn and Taehyung saw each other. Their eyes met. Taehyung was coming towards yn but stop soon when he heard-

Aera : TAE!! (She called him and pulled him in to a hug)

Taehyung  : Oh Aera Noona!! How are you!!

Aera : I am good tae and what about you and yn~ah. I didn't get to attend your wedding. How is she?

Taehyung  : We all are doing very good and she's here. (He spoke in turn towards yn)

Author's POV  : Actually Aera works in partnership with Kim's company. She is married and she is like big sister to Taehyung. Yn is far from them so she is unable to understand what they are talking but she only heard Aera when she called Taehyung loudly.

Yn's Pov  : I was waiting for Taehyung. He was coming towards me but one women called him TAE and pull him in to hug!! I am feeling angry and sad at a time.I can't understand what they are talking but when she called him TAE i feel like i somewhere got hit. I am not liking this. I am Taehyungshi's wife..and I recently started him to call him tae. (Pout was already form on her lips thinking all this)
Suddenly they started to come near me. Why are they coming here? (She thinks in her mind)

Aera : So you are Yn. (She spoke and smile)

Yn : Huh? (She said in confused state)

Aera : Hie I am Aera. I work with Kim company in partnership. (She said forwarding her hand in order to make handshake with yn)

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