Confession Part 2

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Yn's Pov :
I have planned a simple date near beach to confess taehyungshi. I want the date to be simple and beautiful. Under full moon sky, sea waves I want to confess my feelings for taehyungshi.
I want to make it surprise for Taehyungshi. I am just thinking he will like it or not? But how will I take him to that place where I have arranged the date?
I think I have to make some excuse.(She thinks in her mind)

Author's POV :
They came home from the party. They both were in their bedroom. Yn's was in her thoughts while removing her jewelry. Taehyung was looking at her thinking what's going on her mind.

Taehyung Pov :
I am looking at Yn. She is in her thoughts. Is it because of confession? Is she thinking about the confession I made to her? Did I spoke something wrong? Ah...I should clear it with her.

Taehyung : Yn?

Yn : Nae Taehyungshi?

Taehyung : What are you thinking? I mean are you okay? Is something bothering you? Is it because of the words I spoke earlier? (Talking about his confession)
Is it because of the confession then you should not take it too fast..j mean just take your time fully..don't take stress.
I don't want to force you or pressurized you in any way,okay honey? (He spoke coming slightly caressing her cheeks with his thumb)

Yn : Ani..Aniyo taehyungshi. It's not about that.(She spoke genuinely and smile)

Taehyung : Then what are you thinking so deeply,huh?

Yn : Ahh..this is the right time yn. Make an excuse and tell him to come with you tomorrow (She thinks in her mind)

Yn : Uh..Taehyungshi? Can I ask you something?

Taehyung : Ofcourse honey. ( He spoke making her blush with his cute nick names he is giving to her)

Yn : Taehyungshi..can you come with me tomorrow with me for shopping around 6'o clock? I need to buy some dresses and we need to buy some groceries too, so can we go?(She spoke while playing with her 👉👈and showing her doe eyes🥺)
(She knows he can't resist her doe eyes)

And like always it worked😏

Taehyung : don't have to show those eyes(He chuckled and said sweetly)
I will surely come(He said and smile)

Yn : Woah!! Yeah!! (She got excited and jump like a kid)
Thankyou so much Taehyungshi(She said and out of sudden she hug him in excitement which made froze in his spot)

Author's POV :
Taehyung got froze in his place as out of sudden she hugged him very tightly. He feels like butterflies in his stomach)
Soon yn realize what she had done and was to pull out from the hug. Taehyung encircled his arms around her engulfing yn in his warm embrace securely)

Taehyung : There is no need to say thankyou Mrs.Kim (He said in his deep husky voice near her ears and kissed her earlobe slightly making her froze in her spot and shiver run down through her spine)

Yn's Pov : I hugged him out of excitement and realized it what I have done. You dumb Yn are you doing stupid? (I was cursing myself in my mind) When I was to about to pull out from the hug he hugged me and took me in his warm and safe embrace.
Ahh...I love this place. I feel so safe in his embrace. I feel like he is protecting me from whole world. But the next thing he said and did making ne froze in my place)

No need to say thankyou He came and whisper near my ears making me go all freeze at my spot. Ahh..This word Mrs.Kim always gives me goosebumps and on the top of that he kiss my earlobe slightly.
That's it. I stood there like a statue ..Shiver run down through my spine making me go all weak and red.
(He chuckled and smirked in victory after seeing me red and his effect on me)
We broke the hug he and said.

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