First Day after marriage 💕

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Yn 's pov :
I woke up as sunlight hit on my eyes. I opened my eyes as I saw handsome face.
I was admiring his face. His messy hairs, the mole on tip of his nose and one under his lips, a smile appeared on my lips when I remembered last night. How we talked and discuss with each other and was trying to understand each other. How he wanted to make me feel comfortable around him.
Although we didn't made it memorable like other couples do on their wedding night with each other still it was the memorable night for me. I got out of thought when I remember that taehyung have to go to office today. I quickly got up and freshen up and go to wake up taehyung.

Yn : Taehyungshi..Taehyungshi Irona(wake up) (She said slightly shaking him which make him groan in his sleep and he got up)

Yn : Good Morning taehyungshi (She said smiling)

Taehyung : Good Morning (He said in his deep sleepy voice)

Yn : Taehyungshi you should go and fresh up. I'll be downstairs, okay?

Taehyung : okay (He said as he was still in his sleep)

Author's POV : He got up heading his way towards bathroom meanwhile on that time yn headed her way downstairs making breakfast for everyone.
She was making kimchi fried rice for everyone. Suddenly Mrs Kim entered in kitchen saying-

Mrs Kim : Yn? Why are you so up early?
You should get some sleep dear. Aren't you tired because of yesterday night?(She said in teasing tone pressing her lips together to supress her laugh)

Yn : Uh..?(She was confused first then Mrs Kim's words hit on her mind making her realize what she meant) eomma it's not what you are thinking (She said in blushing state)

Mrs Kim : Yeah ..yeah I know.(She said in teasing tone)

Author's POV :
While they were talking and serving the breakfast on dining table, Mr Kim, Soobin and approached there taking there seats on Dining Table.

Yn : Good Morning Appa. (She said smiling and bowing to him)

Mr Kim : Aigoo. You don't have to this formal yn and Good Morning dear(Mr Kim said patting her head lightly.)

Soobin : Good Morning Noona(He said side hugging her on which she chuckled and pinch his nose and said-

Yn : Very good morning Soobin~ah.(She said smiling on which he giggled)

Author's POV :
Taehyung approached downstairs he wish everyone good Morning.Taking seat beside soobin, he sat down quietly.
Yn was served all of them and then she take place to have her breakfast. They all start eating the breakfast and Mrs.Kim spoke-

Mrs Kim : OMO!! Yn. This is so good. This is very delicious. I loved it.
You are very good at cooking.

Yn : Eomma. It's just okay. I am not that good at cooking.(She said looking down)

Mr Kim : No yn. It's really tasty.(Mr Kim said smilingly)

Soobin : Yes noona. This is the best. (He said showing his teeth and thumbs up on which she slightly laugh).
You like the breakfast, Don't you?, huh hyung? (He said in teasing tone on which Taehyung glared him and he stopped laughing and quietly had his breakfast)

Taehyung : Yeah. It's good.(He said making yn feel good and relief a sigh that taehyung like the breakfast)

Yn : Thankyou.(She said)

Soobin : Noona...can you give me more?
(He said pouting and showing his puppy eyes on which she she chuckled and spoke-

Yn : Ofcourse soobin~ah. (She said and got up from her place to give him more kimchi fried rice).

Yn : Appa? (Yn said to Mr Kim on which he said-

Mr Kim : Yes Dear? Do you want to say something?

Yn : Appa you have to take your vitamin medicine.(She said and gave Mr Kim the tablet)

Mr Kim : Yes. But how do you know this dear)

Yn : Appa ..Eomma told me that you have always take medicine while having breakfast.

Mr Kim : Oh.. well then thankyou dear.(He said smiling , taking medicine from her)

Author's POV :
Mrs.Kim loved the way yn was taking care of everyone. Tears was forming in her eyes as she was overwhelmed with the moment. In the past years the only women who was taking care of the three of them was Mrs Kim.
And now there is yn who is taking care of all of them.
She thought that she and Mr Kim made the best decision to choose yn for taehyung.

Taehyung 's POV :
I was watching them smiling internally. I was so happy that yn is mixing with all of them very well, taking good care of them from the next day of our marriage.
She respect my parents very much. She is so understanding and very respectful. I thinked and light smile formed on my face.

Author's POV
Everyone was done with their breakfast.
Soobin went to college, Mrs Kim bid their goodbyes to Mr Kim and taehyung and went to her room and Mr Kim is waiting for taehyung in the car, giving some privacy to newly married couple.
Taehyung was wearing his coat on which yn help him to wear it from back.

Taehyung : Thankyou.(He said)

Yn : Take care and have a good day Taehyungshi. (She said with a smile)

He nodded and patted her head with little smile and said you too. She smiled in return and wave her hand showing bye to him and he went towards his car to go to office.

To be continued.....

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