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Author's POV :
Days passed. Weekend was near. Taehyung and yn are busy in office work. Today is Thursday it's 5:30 in evening and yn is in her office she was doing her work suddenly her phone rang seeing the caller ID she was shocked and amazed. It was Taehyung who was calling her. Answering the call she spoke-

Yn : Yeoboseyo?(Hello?)

Taehyung : Uh..hello yn? What are you doing?

Yn : I am working now.

Taehyung : Oh.

Yn : Yes. You want to say something Taehyungshi?

Taehyung : Uh..hm(He cleared his throat and spoke)
Yes. Yn..Uh..i was thinking if we go back together at home.

Yn : Uh.(First she was shocked hearing him but then she answered him)
Yes..okay. I am almost done with my work.

Taehyung : okay then. I will come to pick you up.

Yn : Okay.(She said and he Hmm and cut the call)

Yn's pov :
I was shocked when taehyung asked me suddenly. But I was happy that today we will go together. Taehyung is very caring although he is bit cold but when it comes to family he is family man.
He respect his parents, take good care of his family. He just don't know how to express. (I smiled thinking couple of minutes and then start to finish my work)

Taehyung 's Pov :
I was working but all I could think of is yn. She is totally in my mind. The way she smiles , the way she look at me with her big innocent eyes, the way she acts, tye way she take care of us.
Whenever i am late because of my office work , she perfectly understands me. She never argue or questioned me , why am I late?or never irritate me to spend my time with her. I like her..yes I like her..no taehyung you love her..Ahh I don't know what to do?
I just want to be with her more, suddenly one idea popped in my head I took my phone dialing Yn's number.
I am nervous..but wait why I am feeling nervous? Is that you feel when you love someone? I came out of thought when I heard her voice from other side-

Yn : Yeoboseyo?

Taehyung ' Pov :
Her sweet voice just calm me down. When she was talking with me sometime I go blank thinking what to speak further. I just want to listen her sweet voice every minute. I told her that I will pick her and we will go home together. I thought she will say no but she agreed. I felt relieved and happy and now I reached near her office and waiting for her. She was coming towards me I just keep looking her at her. My heart is beating fast.
Yah why are you beating so fast she will hear it(I was telling my heat beat to slow down). I was so lost in this chaos that she called me two times but I didn't hear us but came back in reality when she waved hand in front of me and called me again.

Yn : Taehyungshi? (She said waving hand in front of eyes)

Taehyung : Uh.. yes. Hie!! (He said scratching back of his neck)

Yn : Hie.

Taehyung : Let's go.(He opened the door for yn making her sit and then he sit on his side of the car and drove)

Yn : How was your day Taehyungshi? (She said breaking the silence which was from couple of minutes in the car)

Taehyung : Good. What about you?

Yn : It was fine. Today I had quite more work to do but I completed it.

Taehyung : Oh.. are you tired?

Yn : A bit.

Author's POV :
Yn was closing her eyes due to tiredness but she kept them opening not showing to him that she was sleepy. But little did she not know that taehyung was watching her and was aww at her cuteness and he chuckled internally and he spoke-

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