Wedding 💕

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********Time Skip to wedding******
The day has came when Yn will become officially of Taehyung's. Although until the wedding they were in contact with each other as taehyung used to call her sometimes (not that often though)

Taehyung 's look :

Taehyung 's look :

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Author's POV : Yn was very nervous as she was very shy girl and now her wedding was causing her nervousness to rise more.She was getting ready while calming herself down.(Her best friend Hyeri was there with her too). She was telling yn to not to be nervous. Meanwhile here Taehyung was nervous too but not as much as Yn.

Mrs Min : My sweetie, you are looking gorgeous. ( She said smiling)

Hyeri : Yes Aunty. I was telling her the same. Taehyung is gonna head over heels for you today. (She said the last part Whispering in Yn's ear making yn goes blush at her statement)

Yn' s wedding gown :

Author's POV : They were talking suddenly they heard knock on the door

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Author's POV :
They were talking suddenly they heard knock on the door. Mr Min and  yoongi enter in room.
Yn are you read- (Mr Min cutted off himself when they saw yn)

Mr Min : Yn you are looking beautiful princess. My princess has grown up(He said while tear forming in his eyes).

Yn : Appaa....(Don't be emotional. I am forever your little princess. (She said while getting emotional). You are making me cry too.

Author's POV :
Everyone was getting emotional so yoongi decided to ease the environment so he spoke :

Yoongi : No yn don't cry or your makeup will be ruined and you will look horrible. (Yoongi spoke in joking manner)

Yn : Appa... see what oppa is saying to me (She said pouting)

Mr Min : Yoongi stop teasing you sister.(He said patting him)

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