Nightmare and comfort

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Many of them told me to update further cause of curiosity of what will happen next. So here you go. It's short chapter I don't know if you all like this or not👉👈

?? : Look I found you. (He said and grab her hand)

Yn : NO!! TAE!! (She cried and yelled loudly)

Taehyung : Yn~ah!!

Yn : TAE!! TAE..(She yelled)

Taehyung : Yn~ah..honey!! What happen? Wake up love..look I am here. (He said and tapping her cheeks lightly which cause her to wake up)

Yn : Tae ..he is here. Someone is here. (She said as fear can be seen on her face which cause him to be worried)

Taehyung : Who is here? Whom are you talking about honey? (He said worriedly and took her in his arms)

Yn : I-i don't k-know. H-he was look-looking v-very horrible. He'll do something to me tae. Save me. (She said in tears)

Taehyung : No honey. It was nightmare. It was just a bad dream. Look here. (He said and made her look at him and wipe her tears) I am here, right beside you, okay? No one can harm you. (He said making her nod at his statement and he kiss her forehead)

Yn : How come I am here in to our bedroom? I was in living room..waiting for you.(She said looking at surrounding)

Taehyung : Yes. You slept there while waiting for me. I took you in our bedroom as everyone didn't came till now.

Yn : Oh!! Okay. (She said and look down)

Taehyung : Yniee? What were you watching today on television? (He asked her which make her go nervous)

Yn : I-i w-was watch-watching a horr-horror drama. (She said look down bit her lips in nervousness)

Taehyung : See? It was just because of today you were watching the drama and it was on your mind and you dreamed about it. So there is nothing to be scared of, okay love? (He said on which she nodded) And even if someone dare to harm you I'll break him in to know that, right love? (He said making her chuckled at his statement and she hug him)

Yn : Hmm.. I know. I missed you today. (She said and peck his neck innocently but he got froze by her action)

Taehyung : I-i missed you too. (He said in some seconds cause of shock)

Yn : You missed me? (She said and look up at him from his chest)

Taehyung : Of course. (He said stroking her hairs softly)

Yn : I don't think so. (She decided to teased him a little)

Taehyung : Should I show you? How much I missed you. (He said in his deep voice near her ears giving goosebumps in her whole body)

Yn : Huh? Uh-(She said widening her eyes giving her no time to speak he kiss her sweetly)
She clenched on his shirt tightly while his left hand cupped her cheeks and right hands was under her shirt carressing her waist softly. Pulling apart from long kiss he peck her lips twice making her cheeks go red as always. He was about to kiss her one more time but-

Soobin : Hyung? Noona? You there? (He knock the door and asked them)

Yn : Oh no!! (She whisper) Yeah we are coming. (She said to soobin)
Soobin is here Taehyungshi. Let's go. I think mom and dad are also back. (She said to Taehyung when she heard noise from living room)

Taehyung : Ahh!! Wae? Why my moment ruins everytime? (He groan and whined like a small kid making her giggle)
What's there to laugh? (He asked in his cold tone raising his one eyebrow)

Yn : No-nothing. (She gulped hearing his cold voice)

Taehyung : You dare to laugh at me? Wait- (He said in order to catch her but before he could catch her she run to living room laughing at him making him go laugh at their craziness)

To be continued....

Short chapter right? I know. If you like this chapter do vote and let me know in the comment section.

By the way I want to thank you all for giving love to this series. I am glad everyone is liking this series. Thankyou for all the love, support and appreciation. I am very thankful to you all.

Do support my youtube channel. @RidhsV on YouTube. Refer to Announcement 📢 part of this series I've posted for more information. Thankyou and have a happy weekend.

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