First Meeting 💕

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Author's POV:
Yn was home early. She got ready and came downstairs. Yn wore this dress :
(Ignore that bag)

 Yn wore this dress : (Ignore that bag)

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Yn' Eomma : You look beautiful.
Yn' Appa : Yes princess you look beautiful.

Yn : Thankyou Eomma. Thankyou Appa.

Yoongi : If you guys are done praising your daughter than shall we go or else we'll be late.

Yn's Appa : Yes!! Let's go.

Author's POV:
Both the families decided to meet in Restaurant.
Taehyung and his family were already arrived in Restaurant.
Soon Yn and her family reached the restaurant too.
Yn and yoongi was behind their parents.

Yoongi : Look!! They are here. That's why I was telling you guys to hurry up.(yoongi spoke Whispering to yn)

Yn didn't said anything she kept walking(following her parents)

Yn' POV : I saw a couple sitting around the age of my parents. I guess they are the parents. And two boys sitting there. One was around my age and the second one looks younger.
We took our place and got seated.
I look at the boy who was around my age. Not gonna lie he is handsome. I think he is the guy that dad was talking about.

Mrs.Kim : Hello everyone how are you all? Mrs. Min after long time right?

Mrs.Min : Yes. We are fine. How about you guys?

Mrs.Kim : We are good. Oh Yn you are looking so beautiful dear.

Yn : Thankyou so much Aunty. (She said brightly smiling)

Tae's PoV : We all are waiting for Yn's family. They were bit late. How can they be late? They should be on time.
I was thinking then suddenly they came.
I saw her parents and then her and I think she was coming with her brother.
(As dad told me about her and her family earlier)
She is beautiful. I was mesmerized by her beauty. She was wearing pink floral dress. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard there greetings. I came out of thought and lightly shake my head and had a sigh of relief that no one noticed me.

Author pov : Tae and yn was sitting opposite each other. They look at each other and quickly averted their gaze on different side.

Mr.Kim : As you both know now why are were. We are not forcing you both. You guys should talk first.

Mrs Kim & Mrs Min : Yeah.
Mrs Kim:  You two should talk with each other privately.

Yn look at her parents and then yoongi who assures her with nod.

Author's POV :
They both got out of restaurant. They were walking a bit(But not to far from restaurant)
There were complete silent as yn was bit shy and taehyung is bit cold.(Although he is not cold he is less expressive)
Yn decided to break the silence as she spoke :

Yn's Pov : We were walking silently. I thought he will start the conversation first. But looking at his face I don't think he will start the conversation first.
I decided to break the ice. As we are here to talk, right?
So, I spoke :

Yn : Taehyung~shi?? (She spoke awkwardly). What do you think of this marriage??

Taehyung : Honestly speaking, At first I was not ready for getting marriage. Don't get me wrong I always think that  because of work.
I was thinking will I be able to give my time to my wife.? Will I be able to balance my work life and my personal life?
Because after marriage life fully changes,  isn't it?

Yn : Yes (She said slightly smiling)

Taehyung : What do you think of this marriage yn? By any reason are you being force to this marriage?

Yn : No No. Ofcourse not.

Taehyung : So are you ready for this marraige? And let me make you clear that you are free to study or work after our marraige. I mean only if you agree for this Marraige then.

Yn : No No I am ready for this marriage.(She spit out) and then realisation hit her. She was so embarrassed.

Taehyung  : She's cute!! (He thinks and let out a chuckle but immediately hide it by showing his cold side.

Yn Pov: Aish! Dumb girl why were you in such a hurry . I mean I like it how he ask for my consent for marraige and asked me that am I being force for this marraige ? And he made it clear too that how I can continue my work or study. Even if he didn't ask me I was going to continue it after all I am an independent women I have done my studies not for to just sit at home and eat from my husband's money.

Taehyung : Ok then let's go.

Yn : Ok (She nod with slight smile) and they went inside the Restaurant.

Mrs Kim : You both done talking? What have you decided then? (She asked in full excitement while facing tae)

Mrs Min : Yes. Tell us. (While she face to yn)

Taehyung : I am okay and ready for this marraige.

Yn : Me too. (She answers and look down as she was blushing and don't want anyone to see her in that situation)

But little did she not know that taehyung was watching her and smirked internally.

Everyone : What?? Really?

Mr and Mrs Kim : Thankyou Son. Thankyou Yn. Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Min.

Mr and Mrs Min : Congratulations to you too.

Mrs Kim : We are very lucky to have yn as our daughter in law. (She said smiling and getting bit emotional as her son is finally getting married and that too with a sweet girl)

Mrs Min : And we are very lucky to have Taehyung as our Son in law (She said smiling)

Mr Kim : So should we discuss about marriage date??

Mr Min : Yes. We should talk about it.

Mr Kim : I think after 2 weeks it would be great, isn't it?

Author's POV:
Yn was sitting quietly as her heart was pounding after listening her marriage date is got fixed and that too after 2 weeks. Yn was not looking up meanwhile taehyung was only looking at her continously thinking that how shy she is.
              ********Time Skip*******

Authour's Pov :
They bid their goodbyes and got home.
Yn was in her room meanwhile yoongi approached her. Yoongi knock her room and ask her

Yoongi : Yn are you sleeping?

Yn : Aniyo(No) Oppa. Come.

Yoongi sat besides yn and ask her :

Yoongi : Yn ? Tell me ? Are you really happy with this marriage?

Yn smiles while looking yoongi and she spoke :

Yn : Nae(yes) Oppa. I am totally okay with this marriage and happy with my decision. And even if in future if I got in any problem you will be there with me right?

Yoongi : Ofcourse yn. Just tell me if someone troubles you okay? I won't hesitate to break him in two even he is your husband I will not care. Arraseo?
(Yoongi said while patting her head)

Yn : (Chuckle) yes oppa. I will.

(Yn knows her brother very well even he keep bickering with her or keep teasing with her, he care for yn a lot.
And yn know that yoongi is very protective about her)
And why not? She's is his only baby sister though!!

To be continued....

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