A Party?

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Author's POV :
They all came back from busan and returned to their daily routines. Taehyung and Mr Kim is getting ready for office, meanwhile Yn is already got ready and helping Mrs Kim in preparing breakfast for them. They are having their breakfast-

Mr Kim : Taehyung you know right we have a meeting with Mr Choi today?
We have to crack the deal in any how. It's a big project for us.

Taehyung : Yes I know Appa. We will get it. Don't worry. (He assured Mr Kim)

They are done with their breakfast and Taehyung was wearing his shoes and about to go but stop as he heard yn 's voice-

Yn : Taehyungshi? (She called him softly which he can never resist)

Taehyung : Yes?

Yn : All the best for your meeting and I wish you all the luck and hope that you will get this deal.(She said giving him sweet smile which melt his heart in a second)

Taehyung : Yes. I will try my best to get this project (He said giving her slight smile) and yes thankyou for your wish.
And I now I will get this deal as you had wish me(He spoke in flirtatious tone which make her cheeks burn and goes red)

Yn : Uh...Stop it taehyungshi..don't tease me.(She said looking down hiding her face with her small hands)

Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness and ruffled her hairs and said-

Taehyung : Cute.

Yn : Taehyungshi..appa must be waiting for you ...you should leave.(She said looking down hiding her blush face)

Taehyung : Yes. I will go now. Take care.(He said and kissed her forehead)

***********Time Skip *********

Yn 's pov : I am doing some paper work here but suddenly a thought came in my mind of Taehyung's meeting regarding that project. Have Taehyung got the deal? Should I call and asked him?
No..no ...what if I disturb him? But the meeting must be over by now, right?
Shrugging off my all thoughts I finally decided to call him.

Taehyung : Yeoboseyo?(He spoke in his deep raspy voice which gives chills on her spine)

Yn : Y-Yeoboseyo? (Stupid yn why are you stuttering?. She thinks in her mind)
Taehyungshi? Did I disturbed you?

Taehyung : No yn in fact I was about to call you now. (He spoke in his calm voice)

Yn : Me? Why?

Taehyung : Because we got the deal.(He spoke as happiness can be sense in from his voice)

Yn : Jinja? (Really?)

Taehyung : Yes honey.(He spoke making go her blush as he is calling her by sweet names)

Yn : Congratulations Taehyungshi. You did it.

Taehyung : Thankyou sweetheart. But it's not all because of me alone. It has lot of contribution of our employees, dad , and you too.

Yn : Why me? But I didn't do anything Taehyungshi.

Taehyung : Yes you did. You showed trust in me that I will get this deal. You never stopped me even knowing that I was working at home and I was not able to give you and our family much time.

Yn : That was because of this deal Taehyungshi. I know for this deal you have taken lot of efforts Taehyungshi.

Taehyung : Hm. But I have a news for you.

Yn : About what?

Taehyung : We are having a party as we got this deal. So Mr Choi decided as we became partners officially and collaborating with each other and starting a new project, so why don't we throw a party? . So Appa said yes.

Yn : Oh.. really. That's good to hear.

Taehyung : Yes. Tomorrow we will be having a party. So make sure to take a leave from your office, okay?

Yn : Okay Taehyungshi. (She chuckled a bit and said)

Taehyung : okay then. I will hung up now. I will pick you up at 5.

Yn : Okay. Bye Taehyungshi.

Taehyung : Bye. I miss you.

He said the last part in whisper as he thought she will not heard him but that didn't go unnoticed by yn. And she heard him and for his surprise she responded him saying it back-

Yn : I miss you too Taehyungshi. (She responded slowly and softly and cut the call)

Taehyung : What?? Did I heard her right? Yeob-(By that time call was cutted). Did she said that she miss me? It means she have something for me in her heart, right?
Oh..my..God...ahh yn ...you are making me go crazy.... I LOVE YOU YN......I LOVE YOU. (He said and pushed his hair back)
But how will I know what's in her heart for me? How will I know about her feelings for me.

To be continued.....

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