Mood swings

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Yn's Pov :
I woke up in my husband's embrace. It's feels so good whenever I am in his embrace. He just make me feel home. Yesterday he took care of me very well. (I thinked and snuggle him in to more which cause him to wake up)

Yn : Oh!! Sorry. I woke you up.

Taehyung  : No. I was about to wake up. Good Morning honey. (He said and snuggle in to crook of her neck)

Yn : Good Morning taehyungshi. (She said moving her hand in his hairs softly causing him sigh in relax)

Taehyung  : Are your cramps better? Is it hurting? (He said looking at her)

Yn : It's not much hurting now better from yesterday.  (She said and smile softly at him)

Taehyung  : Good. Now let's get freshen up and have some breakfast,okay? (He said and peck her lips making her go red)

Yn : Taehyungshi? (She stopped him by calling him)

Taehyung  : Yes need something? (He asked as he cupped her small face by his one hand making her to nod at his statement)

Yn : Uh.. yes.

Taehyung  : You can tell me sweetheart.

Yn : Can we..can we cuddle more? (She said and look everywhere except him causing him to look at her in sweetly and in quite surprising face cause she never asks him cause of her shy behavior)

Taehyung  : Ofcourse honey. (He pull her in his arms where as she snuggle in his chest)

Yn : I love this. (She said and snuggle more causing him to smile at her behavior)

Taehyung  : Me too, cause I think it's the first time you asked me to do something like this by your own otherwise you are always shy baby. (He spoke and chuckled)

Yn : Shut up!! (She look at him and said and again goes in his arms snuggling)

Taehyung  : O-okay. (He said stroking her hairs and was quite surprised because till now she didn't act like this)

Yn : Now let's get up. I have to make breakfast for us. (She said and got up)

Taehyung  : o-okay..(He said) what's with her sudden mood change? Doesn't she want to cuddle now? (He thinks in confusion)

Time Skip

Author's POV  :
Soobin came home where as Mr and Mrs.Kim were coming home at night. Yn was in kitchen making lunch and taehyung is trying to help her.

Yn : Taehyungshi you can go. I'll do it.

Taehyung  : No yn~ah. I told you you should rest. Aren't your cramps hurting?

Yn : It's fine Taehyungshi.  Nothing new. I bear it every month. And don't worry I am almost done with making lunch. You go and sit with soobin he is waiting for us.

Taehyung  : (Sigh) okay. (He spoke and kiss her forehead softly making her smile)

Soobin : Hyung..where is noona? I am hungry.

Taehyung  :  You are always hungry. (He spoke and smacked his head meanwhile yn came with lunch)

Soobin : Hyung..(He whined) Noona ..Hyung is beating me. (He said overexaggerating making Taehyung shooked)

Yn : Taehyungshi..what are you doing? Don't beat him. (She glared him making him gulp)

Taehyung  : Yah!! When did I beat you, huh? I just smack- (He was about to spoke but stopped when he saw yn still glaring at him) o-okay..let's eat now.

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