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Taehyung's Pov :
I woke up as sweet smile appeared on my face cause of my beautiful wife. Even if her hairs are not done properly she's in her night suit. She still looks so beautiful, soft and comfy for me. I just wanna squish her in my arms. She's so small compare to my height and body. She's just perfect to be in my arms.
I took her in my arms and squish her and i started giving her soft pecks and kisses on her face to wake her up and I succeed.

Yn : Uh.. let me sleep Tae. (She groan in sleep and put the pillow on her face which he removed immediately saying-

Taehyung : No..no wifey. I am not letting you sleep. (He said and start giving kisses on her neck causing her to wake up and giving goosebumps on her body)

Yn : T-tae taehyungshi..what-what are you doing?(She stutter)

Taehyung : Loving my wife. (He said giving kisses on her neck which cause her to clutch on his shirt)

Yn : Aren't you getting late? (She said and pushed him softly by keeping her hands on his chest)

Taehyung : Yeah but I don't want to leave you. (He said and puller her in to deep morning kiss on which she responded him quickly by pulling him closer by his neck)

Yn : Come on now, get up. You are getting late. (She said pulling apart from the kiss)

Taehyung : Ahh!! (He whined like a small kid)

Yn : If you will get up now then I'll give you one more kiss and if not then forget about kisses and cuddles for today. I am going to get fresh up. (She said and tries to get up from the bed)

Taehyung : No wait. I am going. (He said and got up instantly from the bed and rush towards bathroom but he stopped)
First give me my kiss wifey then I am ready to go. (He said and come towards tucking hairs strands behing her ears making her heart skip a beat)

Yn : Uh..yes. (She said and softly peck his lips not moving her lips but he started moving his lips causing her to melt in the kiss and she started moving her lips automatically)

Taehyung : This is called kiss wifeyy. (He smirked and caress her cheeks with his thumb and goes to fresh up leaving her like blushing statue)

Yn's Pov :
I got freshen up and now I am making breakfast for everyone. I told eomma to take rest as today I am not going to office.There is not much work in office so I decided to take rest for myself.

**Time Skip to Breakfast Hour**

Author's POV :
Everyone is having breakfast. Yn is sitting next to Mrs.Kim and in front of Taehyung. Taehyung was only looking at her with his heart eyes. Yn noticed it and blush and try to hide her face by looking down which made him smirk in satisfaction that he made her go blush just by his stares. They were looking each other. Suddenly Mrs.kim spoke which made both of them to snap out from their own world.

Mrs.Kim : Yn we should go to shopping today. As today you have a day off.

Yn : Wow. I would love to go with you for shopping eomma. (She got excited which made all of them chuckled)

Taehyung : She looks so excited. **such a small baby** (He thinks in his mind and shook his head)

Mrs. Kim : We'll go after they leave for office and soobin goes to his college.

Soobin : I don't wanna go but my exams are near..Because of this exams I need to attend extra classes. When will my exam will get over? (He said showing his fake cries dramatically)

Taehyung : Shutup!! It's not even started yet. (He said and smacking his head)

Soobin : Ouch! Hyung!! You always do this. Eomma.. tell hyung. He always beat me. (He whined and said in pout)

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