Chapter 11 The Bad News

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"Mother Cat is Lisa" she spoke in her normal voice and then she sighed deep.

"Lisa? Do you mean?" Jennie asked.

"Mmm, Lisa unnie has left, she went home, to Thailand, this morning" she confirmed as she turned her gaze to Chaeyoung who's tears are now visible. Genie sat back and hugged her but didn't say any more words.

"I'm sorry unnie, I wasn't able to stop her" she whispered but because the room was dead silent, all of us heard her. Chaeyoung sniffed and buried her head on Genie's neck.

"She went home to Thailand? That quick? She's even half sober last night!" Jennie can't still believe it.

"Is Genie also a liar for Jennie unnie?" Genie narrowed her eyes on my bestfriend. I snickered when Jennie meet her gaze.

"Because you're saying something unbelievable" she replied. I looked at Jennie with wide eyes.

"Blythe, dial Mother Cat, use my phone" she ordered coldly. Her face is stoic while staring at her phone. I noticed Chaeyoung reached for Genie's hand and squeezed it. Instantly, she relaxed. What is that?

Just then, Lisa's voice came through the phone speaker.

"Genie, we are now on the car, on our way home, why?" she immediately asked.

"You left three people hanging in here, I'm afraid they'll hang me next, please tell them not to, you're on speaker by the way" Genie replied monotonously. I looked at her trying to gauge her plan.

"I... Genie... Did you..." she sighed. "Don't worry, they won't hang you, they can't even kill a cockroach" she chuckled.

"Then atleast tell Jennie unnie that you really went home" she replied staring hard at my bestfriend.

"Yes guys, I'm in Thailand right now, I'm sorry I'm a coward, so goodbye, Genie, you didn't follow our agreement so this will also be the last phone call I'll receive from you" she spoke sternly.

"I'm aware unnie, but just a second" Genie asked for her phone and looked at Chaeyoung.

She passed her phone to our vocalist but she shook her head and sniffed. I'm sure Lisa heard it so she sighed.

"Chae, I'm... I'm truly sorry" her voice cracked and the line was cut.

"Thanks to you our remaining communication with her was cut" Genie sneered at my bestfriend.

When I looked at her, her eyes were red. I know she's close to tears so I joined her and hugged her.

"Unnie, I need you to calm down now, I have to do something that Lisa unnie asked me to do" she gently rubbed Chaeyoung's back.

A little while, she raised her head and then pulled away from Genie. The latter gave her a tissue and she wiped her face with it.

"What time is it?" she asked no one in particular.

"4pm unnie" Blythe replied. I realized it's the first time I heard them call her unnie.

"Can we switch jobs for today? I'll cook and clean later, but you'll have to go grocery shopping" she turned to Jeed and Blythe.

"Of course unnie, no problem about that, we don't have to switch, we'll do your job for free, shall we go now?" they asked.

"Thanks, the list and cash is on top of my drawer. Before you go out, make sure to wear your disguise, and don't took long outside okay?" she instructed and reminded them like a mother would do to her daughter. Plus one.

"Yes master" they teased her as they stood up.

"Good, take extra care" she reminded more and she waved them.

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