Chapter 34 At the Parks' House

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I talked to the CEO again after we finalized the plan and I agreed on what he is asking us to do. He said it is also for our benefit as it will increase our popularity. I would like to say it will decrease my dignity on the other hand, but I kept my mouth shut. Unnie has already warned be to be civil. I would just have to prepare myself for barrage of questions from my family and bestfriends at home. And of course critics, soon enough.

The preparations for our first album rolled in, beginning with the promotional song and MV. Soon, we find ourselves working our asses of, nearly 12 to 16 hours a day. We are deprived from our Saturdays again.

We revised our workout routines. We are now doing it individually since we have different routines, ever since we are trainees. We does it once a week, the three of us every Monday and unnie is every Saturday.

In the middle of our preparation, Blythe's birthday arrived in December and we celebrated even for just a while, since it is on a weekday. We showered her with gifts and she even cried with happiness. Well, who am I to tease when Chae-unnie alone was able to make me cry thrice on my birthday.

Two weeks before the holidays, we released our promotional song and MV, earning achievements from the left to the right again.

Soon after, we are running from interviews to shows to shoots for magazines. When we are finally given a break, it is the holiday break from the 24th of December to the 2nd of January.

This break is supposed to be for family time right? so the younger girls went home to their parents' house. I however, wouldn't made it to and fro my home country with such tight schedule so I choose to just stay at the dorm. Chae-unnie invited me over but I declined. She was persistent though so I said I will come for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. First, I am shy to squeeze in a family. Second, I don't wanna be a burden. Third, a fan might see me going there and the Gen-Chae shippers will go crazy again.

I was surprised when unnie came to pick me up in the afternoon of the Christmas Day. She drove her own car, yeah she have one and yeah she is allowed to drive now, but she preferred to stay with our limits.

"Why do you have a lot of bags? I told you that you only need to bring yourself" she asked while we are leaving the dorm.

"I'm shy to show up empty handed unnie. A Filipino is instilled with the culture to never show up in a family invitation empty handed" I informed her and she frowned.

"Okay then, we should go, I was tasked to pick up some food orders on the way, here, let me carry some of those" she reached out for the other bags so I passed on a few.

She is currently wearing a disguise because I asked her to when she showed up and I am also clad in an overcoat, muffler, bonnet, and a black mask. We look like the grim reaper in our all black attires and I snorted at the idea.

When we arrived at their house, a big one I should note, her family warmly welcomed me. Her mother is very sweet and her father is a joker. I immediately get along with her older sister, Alice. Apparently, she likes to tease Chae-unnie and she has lured me to her side. Unnie just rolled her eyes at her.

Since we arrived early, I saw that they aren't yet done cooking so I offered to help but Mrs. Park drive me away from the kitchen and told her younger daughter to tour me around the house instead. I declined saying I would just join Alice unnie at the sala and watch too, but Chae-unnie said she will do the honor to show me around.

Grabbing me by the hand, we went from the kitchen to the hallway and she pointed on the rooms: two comfort rooms, an office/study room, their parents' room and the library. I declined to enter her parents' room and office, what would I do there? But was joyous to enter their library. As expected, it was filled with books that are neatly organized. I wasn't surprised to saw lots of thick law books. That's what you got when   there are two lawyers in your midst. It is a well-lighted room, adorned by bright decorations and some paintings. The furnitures inside are all free of dust that I wonder if it is used in a daily basis.

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